Found - Miniature Shetland near Guildford, Surrey


Well-Known Member
12 May 2009
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I say found but he has found our yard : ) I am posting this for my YO who has more info on the pony than i do. All i know is that this little chap turned up in one of our fields on Friday 13th January and where he is so small he has snuck under the fencing and has stayed put in the YO's ponies field.

Yard is Littlefield Manor, Worplesdon, Guildford.

Miniature Shetland Stallion, chestnut with very long mane. This is all i know of the little chap.

YO has contacted Police who dont want to know. An advert has also been put up in Rokers.

Thought its worth a shot posting up on here in case anyone knows where he belongs.

Thanks xxx