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My Arab mare foundered a year ago. Shes been on and off. Past month shes been bad, I bought her Cavallo front boots for her feet they help. But still lots of pain. I started her on recovery EQ 10 days ago, I'm following the guidelines so not at full dosage yet. Seen no improvement, I have to mix it, so was using apple sauce and apple, or carrot. She stopped eating it, so now giving her like a cup of senior feed, just to mix it with. She eats it all up, but I'm worried as shes foundered so no grain etc but its only way to get recovery powder in her. Do you think the 2 cups( 1 cup 2x day) senior feed will hurt her? Shes on no grass just hay, a little crusty neck, shes lost weight since foundered last. Just trying to see if anyone has tips that's helped them with foundering horse?
Thank you
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