Freelance rider in West Cornwall?


Well-Known Member
23 May 2005
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Hi all, I'm looking for any recommendations for a competent freelance rider that could come and help to ride my young mare a couple of times a week.

Just for some background, I've owned her since September, she was broken and riding on when bought (dealer), she went lame with a series of abscesses within a day of having her home, then had teeth issues and a huge growth spurt meaning she was very croup high, so other than just riding her round the yard a few times, she's not been ridden since she's been with me (no school, so at this time of year just hacking or hiring a local school). My plan was to gently hack her a couple of times a week up to Christmas then give her some time off, but on the advice of Vet and Chiro, I've given her a few months to even up rather than risk uneven pressure on joints and back due to uneven growth (slow growing breed). I've been doing a bit of ground work with her just to get her listening to me and to establish a relationship with her.

Unfortunately she's been having some trouble settling, and has been jumping the field gates to get to certain horses (she has my other horse for company in paddock next to her - very slow introduction as he can be dominant) - she is fine until one certain mare is nearby and she'll jump a gate or hedge to get to her (not possible to graze them together). This culminated recently in her jumping out of her stable (field gate type door so difficult to fit stallion grill or similar) as the other mare had been taken out. I was there as was my other horse (being clipped) so she had company, but still attempted to jump and she got stuck by her stifles on the gate. She is sore but okay, but I am now terrified of bringing her in, even with company which is what I had been doing, to allow me to ride my original horse in case she does it again. I'm looking at ways to make the stable more secure, but don't want to box her in too much, as this behaviour is obviously down to insecurity and I don't want to stress her out more. She can be left out with a companion when I ride as she's respectful of electric fencing, but these issues and the time that has now passed have made me a bit unsure of riding her, and I just need someone to come and hop on her a few times to ride out with me (once she's sound again, obviously!) so that we can quietly get her started again and get her out and about. She is in all other ways a lovely sweet mare, but she is obviously only 4 and although I've had youngsters before, I don't want to get this wrong.

Thanks for any recommendations.