
Well-Known Member
26 May 2008
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FREEZE BRAND thats the first thing I did when I bought my mare. A fellow rider went to look at a horse , she called me as she didnt know anything about freezebranding, she viewed the horse who was owned by a man , selling cheap , she liked the horse and asked to see it untacked, there was a freeze brand, she asked for the papers and he said his wife had run off with another man and he wanted his money back ( wife had the papers) she called me for advice and I told her not to buy the horse and ring the horse watch which she did , the man said he would let her have it cheap as he had no papers, (i was suprised at her niaveity ) but glad for her suspision HORSE WAS STOLEN she told the horse watch the details they checked it out , no wife no other man just one STOLEN HORSE who was reunited with its original and rightfull owner , if there was no freezebrand she would have bought it not knowing, also if a horse is stolen and its found to have a freezebrand chances are they will abandon it somewhere, hopefully when it turns up safe horse will be reunited with owner, just ask yourself a question , if you were to steal a horse which one would you take the one thats got 4 legs a mane and a tail or one with four legs a mane and tail and a personal identity number which is permanent, and unique as no two numbers are the same, I know they say they can dye it but eventually it will grow back and some say cut it out, (big white area or bald patch) bells would ring in someones head eventually, if its yours put your stamp on it , because you may save your beloved pet from a traumatic experience, think of it this way if you own a coloured you know its markings and would recognise it straight away, but would you recognise the stolen coloured horse you read about a month ago or would it become in your mind another coloured, looks like but not sure if its the one that went missing, if you see an add for a stolen coloured with 88b on its back and see a coloured with 88b on its back its definite , just think how you would feel if your horse was returned, and how you would feel if you was the one who made the phone call to the owner informing them that you know where their horse is , how satisfying .


Well-Known Member
9 March 2009
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This started as a post I was about to post.

Does anyone know where you can trace a freeze mark from.

I have tried to find out where to find this fron for years.

I know he has done ' stuff' , but what that it is.

Am allowed to, please delete if not B1B4


Posted here just three weeks ago about two of mine being stolen, and found quickly due to their Freezemarks. I can't for the life of me understand why people won't.
Farmkey have a search on their website which will show if a horse is stolen.