Full livery, south Manchester for good doer


Well-Known Member
25 October 2012
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Hi all. I need your insider knowledge please :) My sister is moving to the south Manchester area and has a laminitis prone pony. She's after a friendly happy hacking kind of yard that can offer full livery. All the yards I know of have fertilised fields with tons of rich grass. She's a bit nervous of road work so off road hacking would be preferable. Thanks for getting this far - all responses and suggestions appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Try Somerford park,they will make special paddocks to meet needs if necessary and are very understanding about dietary requirements. There is the 80 acres to ride on as well as the farm ride, school etc.
Added advantage of vet horse hospital on site as well as other facilities.


Well-Known Member
10 August 2010
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Although somerford has the farm ride, I wouldn't necessarily classify it as a freindly happy hacking yard, its very big and can at times lack the personal touch, it also really depends which yard you end up on. To be honest any decent livery yard worth their salt will sort you out turnout/diet suitable to your horse. If it was to much hassle for them or they didn't have the facilities to offer it then it wouldn't be the yard for me. There is a full list of livery yards in this link http://www.cheshirehorse.co.uk/directory/livery-yards-cheshire

I've also seen some yards in altrincham/wimslow with hacking in Dunham massey advertised on prevolved recently. But think it will be just be a case of getting out there and meeting and chatting with different yards.