Fun and games at local show...


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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Went to a show this morning, and walking towards the car park we heard that awful sound of a horse thrashing around inside a trailer, looked round and saw it had its leg over the top of the fastened front ramp. I yelled at Mac to go and help, but then it got down and we noticed some other people were already over there. It had got over the breast bar, two girls with it had apparently gone off even though it was rearing in the trailer. Two men helped unbolt the breast bar from outside the trailer, then they led the horse out. The partition and dividing grille were pretty mangled. Poor horse. It really turned my stomach, seeing that. When we went back the trailer had gone, so I wonder if they managed to get the horse back inside it! Had fun though, Troggy and Morgan did the horse and hound class. Toffee jumped beautifully and Morgan did too, although she ate rather a lot of horse poo and was sick in the car on the way back home…


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
Mmmm the lovely smell of horse poo flavoured dog sick! Some horses are remarkbly unperturbed by trailer incidents. My TB stamps and bucks when travelling alone (he fine with another horse) some days including yesterday people flash nd pull us over, but it is just him being an arse because he doesn't sweat or get wound up. Most of the time I pray that my OH is out when we arrive home cos he would go mental if he thought Sov was wrecking the trailer.