Funniest picture i've ever had...


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Take a guess what is happening in this picture? I would bet that no-one can guess what he's looking at!



Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Ok, so picture this. Galloping up a hill towards home. Last fence is down the side of the hill and away a good bit then the finish. Pony has been pretty good for a napping, spooking, bucking git who normally won't go xc. So you crest this hill, there's a bank bit which the better horses jump up, but all you have to do is the slope to the left, it is literally a mound in a field. Pony gets up, and upon seeing the scary....

DOWNHILL SLOPE! skids to halt as pictured above! I swear, there was only grass in front of him, it was a gentle incline and the slope had only gone up about 2 ft. It was pathetic as once he had gathered himself, he went on to jump the last fence no problems and finished (having already been eliminated but that's beside the point!)
I still laugh at the picture to this day, it is just the utter shock on his face!