GAS PIPELINE (High pressure) anyone have this near yard or business?


Well-Known Member
26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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I wrote in support of a farm diversification to build XC course and intend to speak at the planning meeting on MON. The planners have recommended approval with conditions.
Conditions to be imposed very restrictive (only 5 riders per week permitted) so RC/PC clinics not possible as Gas Pipelines go across land.
Pipe owners are content with plans but any ecavations to be discussed in advance--farmer expected this.
HSE have formally objected to gathering groups of people within 90m of pipeline. Farmer left feeling is his family safe--he believes he is
Landowners are given little chance to refuse to have these pipelines but clearly there are serious future implications if pp for diversification is refused
So does anyone ride/jump/school/gallop over line of pipelines?
Does anyone have pipeline close to home/yard/business/farm?
You may be interested in outcome of this application
PM me if you like
Thanks for any help/info


Well-Known Member
15 July 2003
London and Hertfordshire
I have never heard so much nonsense......

A gas pipeline should be perfectly safe. I used to live next to 3 gassometers (the gas storage tanks that go up and down) with associated pipes - without any problems. The bridleway on an old railway track went between the gassometers and where I lived and it was only a few metres away!

I think they are trying it on to prevent you from using the course. In this day of diversification you could appeal on the basis that it is encouraging rural industry in compliance with government guidelines.

Have you got a decent firm of surveyors doing the planning application for you?

AlexThe Arab

Well-Known Member
23 November 2002
East Anglia
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We have a high pressure gas pipe line on the farm, our house and the farmyard are approx 60m away from it and have no restrictions/recommendations on what we can or cant do near or above it (apart from planting trees and digging ditches with the pipe owners permission). Part of it is under the main farm driveway so takes all farm traffic ie tractors and fully loaded artics going over it, also the pipe lines go under main roads safely
. We have public access on the farm (stewardship schemes) and the tracks are approved for use by defra for walkers, cyclists and horse riders without any restriction on numbers of participants. Seems like the pipe line owners need to be at the planning meeting on Monday


Well-Known Member
26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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Councillors passed the pp and revised the numbers--to be determined by planning authority but because HSE objected it will go to Scottish Executive.
Thanks for responses
Pipe owners had visited site and were content with plans
The objectors HSE were the only ones who hadnt visited the site

Farmer and landowner both just wanted to get it through after all who is going to police the numbers using it
Landowner put fwd that there is right of access to anyone wanting to hack and walk across it and that he had estate workers regularly working within 90m of the pipeline did he now stop them?
One of Councillors pointed out that numerous properties are very close to pipeline
and asked the farmer if the pipelines were put in while he was farming there (yes)
and if he had been told he would not be able to diversify his business (no)