Just wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what gate closers are xpected to do!! Going out with boss on Monday and she has volunteered us to gate and I dont have a clue what Im doing as I've never been out before
Stay at the back of the field and shut all the gates the rest of the field leave open! Take baler twine and a penknife so you can perform emergency repairs on any gates without proper fastenings.
If the gate was shut when the first people got there, then everyone going through will call "gate please" so that the last through know to shut it. If it was open initially, then you can leave it.
Every hunt needs someone who is nimble enough to leap off and shut a gate after the field has gone through, or skilled enough to stay mounted and do this.People like this are highly thought of,and generally better riders than most. They might have to dash to catch up, but their efforts never go unnoticed.
I used to go gate shutting with bloodhounds. You must be able to get on and off easily (although I rarely had to), you must be able to jump (I was told this by the master who asked me to gate shut as you are no use if you get left behind!) Your horse must be willing to stand on its own whilst everyone else gallops away and you must be quick to catch up.
I also did other jobs like picking up lost Pateys and taking loose horses back to their riders. It was great fun!
Be prepared for a long (usually wet!) day; gate shutters are expected to stay out 'till at least 3.30pm. Wear ratcatcher not black or navy. Also, take folding wire cutters as being at the back, you will encounter a wide variety of interesting (often electrified!) wire-related disasters! Make sure your horse won't go psycho when kept at the back. Be ready to shout at indecisive stragglers! Always follow the main field and don't get side tracked following the groups of hangers on/non-jumpers. They need to shut their own gates. Also don't take your eyes off the main field- it takes seconds to find yourself sad lost & alone! Been there done that :grin:
On the subject of gate shutting i'm on duty in a couple of weeks and have realised i no longer have a penknife or anything similar so going to have to replace it. Only doing the odd day of gates so don't want anything fantastically expensive (<--cheapskate!!
Does anyone think this will do the job or do i need something heavier duty?