Get Your Own!


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26 August 2011
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Sorry for the ranty post. I am having a pants day and I've got a little time spare between meetings so need to let off some steam.
I pop onto Facebook to see if I've had any replies to an advert I placed this morning. The top 5 or 6 posts on this group are asking for transport. Not, can anyone recommend me a transport company etc, but who can move my horse for peanuts this weekend types.

I don't have horse transport so I rarely go out and about. When I do go out, I hire a trailer and chat my dad up to tow it for me. The second news hits, everyone wants a lift for a fiver.

I am sick of seeing people all over Facebook expecting others to ship their horses about for "small contribution to fuel" etc.

Currently the top two are the same. Bought a horse, need it moving asap, can pay towards fuel. First off, arrange the transport BEFORE buying the pony. Secondly, pay towards fuel? More like pay all of fuel, plus a little extra towards maintenance of said transport and the persons time, thirdly, is this even legal/insured?

Another is a rant as she has placed an advert 3 times this week asking for a lift, and because no one responded,she cannot attend the show and has lost her entry fees? I replied with a link to 2 very good transporters. The reply? Oh, they're far too expensive!

Sorry if I am wrong, but transport is expensive as it needs to be properly maintained and I believe you have to have the correct insurance to take other peoples horses? It isn't your god given right as an owner to expect those fortunate enough to have transport, to chauffeur you about.

Sorry for the rant, but do feel slightly better after this and my ham sarnie :D


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17 February 2011
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That made me laugh.

I have my little box on myhorseboxrental and got a question the other day from someone asking if a full tank of diesel is included in the £80 hire. Um no, a full tank of fuel is about £110.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2014
I will happily join you in this rant!!! Friends is one thing but the amount of horsey owners that cant or won't put their hand in their pocket and expect others to do it on the cheap in THEIR own time riles me!!

Do what I did and having gone from nice horsebox and not being able to afford it anymore, wait a year (Yes a year of no competing!!), save up for sturdy trailer (Rice!!), old 4x4 with low mileage....less than £800 all in after refurb.



Well-Known Member
10 February 2008
Haha this made me laugh when I read it!! I's so glad I am not the only one who gets so annoyed with these kind of posts!! I love the ones when people advertise horses for sale clearly stating no loans yet it doesn't stop numptys commenting saying will you consider a loan!!!!


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25 July 2007
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Haha. I know what you mean. I do have my own transport. So everyone assumes I'm so lucky. NO I give up a lot for it. I'm older now so have worked long and hard for it.
But as you say people assume I should lend it out or give cheap lifts

I do occasionally. But I'm not going to use up miles for others that would mean I get less miles to use. It's my last chance at transport. I would never be able to replace it. But they don't consider MY future. Just how mean I am :(

Foxy O

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13 March 2013
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LOL I don't have transport but am always happy to pay for proper horse box hire if I need to. When I bought my horse last month I checked she would deliver it before I bought her and if she couldn't I would have hired again. Fuel and time are precious to most people


Well-Known Member
1 January 2014
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This makes me mad too, I used to have girls arguing and fall out with me about who would get the space in lorry if I went out anywhere. I don't have to take anyone in my lorry with me, I can pick whoever I want to come and sorry if I'm not prepared to go to a show 4 hours earlier so you can do the clear round and then wait for me to do my classes later on... Grrr, I feel your pain!


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28 February 2010
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I so get your rant - I'm all for helping people in their hour of need and will willingly help where possible but sometimes it goes beyond the ridiculous. I once had someone ask me to take their pony to the Vet Hospital and return 48 hours to collect it for them. Not only would this require me to take two days off of work (which would have been unpaid) but she was expecting me to do this for free!! no offer of help towards costs. I would have helped if it was an emergency but no this was a pre-planned non urgent appointment and she could easily have afforded to pay to hire a lorry herself or even paid a horse transporter.

My rant over... I do feel better now as well


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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I also share your feeling, I don't think these people have the first clue of what it actually takes to obtain and maintain safe transportation for horses or they would know what they could do with their kind offer of part of the petrol costs. I used to go out of my way to give people lifts to places, including waiting around all day because their classes were in the morning and ours in the afternoon (and listen to them whine about it) making multiple runs to the same place to deliver and collect multiple horses but then I spent a year without a trailer, a few friends did go over and above to help me with a sticky situation with my mare when she was on loan but not too many people were queuing up to take my daughter anywhere so now I am a lot more selective with whom I chose to help.

I feel the same about joy riders who think riding your horse is doing you some kind of favour. Are you a professional rider whom I have contracted to achieve a specific aim with a horse? No? Have I invited you to ride my horse? No? Then guess what, you're not doing me or my horse a favour. I think as I've gotten older I have gotten less kindly- I don't really care if other people get to go to shows, or ride when they want for free, or get free day care with ponies for their kids, but not at my expense they won't be.
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Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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I don't have my own transport but have always been lucky when it comes to needing a lift!
When i got my horses .. Old owners transported them to me. When my pony needed to get to the vets in an emergency, another livery who id barely spoken to before jumped off her horse and took her straight there and then picked her up the next day. I gave her the fuel money plus some extra and a box of chocolates as she had gone totally out of her way to help, and is a lovely lady :)
She also took her to our new yard, again i paid the fuel!

The only time I've ever got a "free ride" was to a show, with the owner of the foal i was grooming/handling for her everyday as she was full livery and didn't have the time. I offered to pay for the fuel but she refused saying that id saved her lots of time/fuel coming to see the foal. Was hardly a chore for me (love the little guy!) so i was very grateful for both opportunities :)

Been very lucky, but i wouldn't take the **** if i had to get my mare somewhere and none of my friends could help i would use a transporter/hire a box rather than beg on fb!!!


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Yep. I share your pain.

Against my better judgement, I transported someone's horse in my trailer to a show, hung around while they competed, then back again. I wasn't competing, I was doing it purely as a favour.

She gave me £10 diesel money. I used £15 worth of diesel. Still waiting for the difference nearly a year later.

Last lift or favour I will ever do, I've been stuffed so many times.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2010
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I hate all these ads and also hate seeing horses advertised so cheaply on FB one wants to spend any money and they think someone else should fund their hobby....


Well-Known Member
26 August 2011
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I considered hiring a trailer for my local show. I have 2 ponies so thought it easier than trying to find a helper to ride one over for me. In the end I cancelled as so many people either wanted a lift, or to tie up on it at the show, chuck their hay water in ect, but no one wanted to pay for it!


Well-Known Member
3 October 2012
Behind you
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I wonder if anyone on here is guilty of putting those posts on FB and if they would admit to it and perhaps give a justification as to why they feel it acceptable too?

I cant even look at those FB pages/ groups ... Out of sight, out of mind!

Oh and for good measure ... I seriously fooking HATE people who use the word 'Hun' ALL the time ... Ok Hun, thanks hun etc ... Arrrgggghhhhhhhhh :eek:


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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Oh, and great shopping lists of things they *neeed*, like tack and rugs and so on.

Free or cheap as possible please as (insert reason here why I want your stuff but don't want to pay for your stuff).


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
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With regard to posting on Facebook, I must confess that my daughter did it once. We had previously arranged for a lift to a show, but due to a lorry breakdown the day before the lift had to be cancelled. I was away so was unable to take her hence the pre-arranged lift, I then contacted every hire/transporter company I could find only to be out of luck. My daughter posted on her facebook page so only friends would see it, then one of her friends decided to be helpful and post it on a couple of the groups. She did manage to arrange a lift with another friend but I made sure that the friend was amply compensated for fuel and time, and was well aware that we were not 'taking advantage'. Our friend knows that if at any time we are able to return the favour we will without question.


Well-Known Member
26 August 2011
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Anyone after freebies just does my head in full stop. I have a friend who "rescues" cats. She takes them in, gets them in good health, then rehomes them. It's all well and good as she enjoys doing it and the company of the cats, but she can't afford to keep them. She is already on the bread line and is on Facebook weekly asking for donations of food, wormers vet treatment etc. One cat, which she decided to keep, has to have a vet prescribed diet which is very expensive and she is always asking for money towards this. I'll also add she gets all the treatment at the PDSA or whereever it is that pays for it for you.

I love horses, but I wouldn't rescue them and expect others to pay, so I could enjoy their company? Just seems madness!


Well-Known Member
26 August 2011
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With regard to posting on Facebook, I must confess that my daughter did it once. We had previously arranged for a lift to a show, but due to a lorry breakdown the day before the lift had to be cancelled. I was away so was unable to take her hence the pre-arranged lift, I then contacted every hire/transporter company I could find only to be out of luck. My daughter posted on her facebook page so only friends would see it, then one of her friends decided to be helpful and post it on a couple of the groups. She did manage to arrange a lift with another friend but I made sure that the friend was amply compensated for fuel and time, and was well aware that we were not 'taking advantage'. Our friend knows that if at any time we are able to return the favour we will without question.

This is different though, its the ones who expect it, or do it all the time with no intention of paying there way. A one off when let down is fine.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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I considered hiring a trailer for my local show. I have 2 ponies so thought it easier than trying to find a helper to ride one over for me. In the end I cancelled as so many people either wanted a lift, or to tie up on it at the show, chuck their hay water in ect, but no one wanted to pay for it!

Eurgh that would drive me mad, are these people on your yard? We don't tie anything on the side of the lorry as I once watched someone's gelding put their foot through the side of theirs and I just won't risk it now! What annoyed me last year was the borrowing the lorry for the day and then bringing it back at 8pm without cleaning it out - just what I want to do on a Sunday, muck out the lorry of someone else's muck and hay!!
28 February 2011
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The one that keeps cropping up on my newsfeed at the moment is someone asking for someone to ride their 4 - yes 4! Horses and school them on as they have been out of work for a year due to the owner having a baby. The horses must stay at their present yard, she can't pay you anything and you must clean the tack at the end of the day. When someone commented that they thought she had asked xxx to do it the OP went on a rant saying that xxx was a selfish cow, only thought of herself, didn't want to ride another 4 horses after riding her own 2 and thus was banned from being spoken too lol! Yup! Someone really wants to ride for you chuck!

I did randomly ask for a lift to a show the other day but it was purely a - if you are going past and have a spare space then I will pay half fuel and help out in anyway I can. Not really expecting anything to come of it and I only asked as the show is 2.5hours away and I won't travel that far with a trailer. I know folks will be going past but it's just an off chance.


Well-Known Member
13 February 2008
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Its the sense of entitlement that completely mystifies me - such as the girls arguing over the "free" space - its not free!

I think this extends to every day items as well, such as tack etc. People just seem to think that it is perfectly acceptable to "borrow" things that you have paid for. I once bought a set of new jumps. The next day I see a sharer nonchalantly setting up a course with my jumps (without asking) and another livery saying to me "wow those jump wings are expensive. I looked into buying some as x enjoys jumping but now I don't have to". Really? If they had asked to borrow them I would have said yes, no bother, but it was just the sense of entitlement that got to me.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2012
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I had my mare advertised for a sharer, mainly due to time etc, explicitly stated no full loans as still wanted to ride her etc could just do with the help. I wasn't looking for someone to school her for me, she's already well schooled and good to ride.

I had 2 or 3 people message me asking for a full loan.

After a not so good experience I've since decided a sharer is not worth the hassle.

Also I have a horse, she costs me a small fortune to keep, she is not available for people I haven't seen in years to pester me to have a joy ride, hairing round in canter non stop for half an hour. Dont get me wrong friends and family regularly come for pony cuddles and a potter :)

Oh, and great shopping lists of things they *neeed*, like tack and rugs and so on.

Free or cheap as possible please as (insert reason here why I want your stuff but don't want to pay for your stuff).

Yep. This also annoys me, I'm selling a rug that's been worn once, has been washed, and is a good make, you can not have it for a fiver.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2011
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Argh...the Facebook pages with the adverts for saddles...will it fit a (insert height here) horse? The horse's height does not determine the saddle fit!


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1 June 2010
Rockanje, South Holland
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I do lend my trailer out but its not exactly free. My daughter's instructor sometimes borrows it instead of using her much heavy trailer but we get free lessons in return. One of the other liveries has just asked to borrow it and I have agreed as we often help each other out looking after each others horses if the other is on holiday or long weekend or if a rug needs to be taken off/ horse put in/out etc. etc. Not for loan to freeloaders!


Well-Known Member
1 August 2010
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I am afraid I am a b*tch and say no when people ask to borrow my lorry - except for proper friends where I always try and help.

On the other hand, I do wish someone would ask to borrow my daughter's tricky horse to ride!! :)