You know how bits can get a bit 'scummy' where horsie dribbles a bit and they get a bit dull. Anyone got any tips for getting them really really clean and shiny again?
Dishwasher is cheap and cheerful. Just make sure that your dad is nowhere in the vicinity while you do it. Especially when he has made his porridge in the jug you made your speedibeet in and didn't wash properly
by the time the water is cool enough to take the bit out anything that was stuck to it ect will simply wipe off and you are just left with a lovely shiney bit!
Works for me anyway
<font color="purple"> bucket of warm water, leave it to soak for about 5-10 minutes and with a sponge scrub all the grime off it (it should come off really easily) and dry it with a tea towel, and with a clean soft cloth gently buff the bit, and it should become nice and shiny!
Dishwasher. Along with stirrups and dog bowls...
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totally agree! Our dogs can see their faces in their water bowl after it has been in the dishwasher... great for bits and irons too- anything metal really lol!
Dishwasher is used for bits, stirrups, plastic and rubber curry combs, mane and pulling combs and on a cooler wash for some brushes (NOT my best ones!) as well as the grooming kit box!