Getting Dizzy!


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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Had third lesson on the boy yesterday - god it's hard work!

We're doing lots of circle work in walk and trot as he's so uncoordinated on his right rein - couldn't strike off on the right leg in canter - even after 6 attempts! I know that with hard work we'll work through it but it's a bit depressing when it seems we have so many mountains to climb together.....I've been advised not to do Prelim 7 in 2 weeks time as the canter is just not there.

On the upside, I did work with no stirrups for 45 mins and my position is getting so much better - I actually didn't want them back when my instructor said I could have them back. It's hard work and feels like I'm learning to ride again after 15 years!

Please someone tell me that we'll be on the road competing next year!



Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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You will you will I promise - it's not that long a road either - Sid now gets the right leg at least every second attempt!!! We've been at it since May BUT there have been some serious gaps in between - and the big thing for me is that his transitions have inproved no end - he know exactly what I am asking & we always get canter (but if he's stressed or worried the right lead takes longer)
Hang in there!!!!!


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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It will get better - but why did your instructor make you work for 45 mins with no stirrups on an unco-ordinated horse?? That seems terribly unfair on your horse TBH - especially if the aim was to improve your position and seat.


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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He's heavy on one rein he's not all over the place....more of a wiggly worm than a lolloping rhino (lol) I think the cantering problems are due to him being an ex racer and then being used in a school. Maybe he hunted in ireland etc.....all things that don't really require the right leg in canter!

He was originally only going to make me do 15 mins but we were getting so much out of it that I said I'd carry on if he thought we should.....first time I did it (last week) I thought I was going to fall off and was all over the place....yesterday I really rode into the saddle and felt so confident!


Well-Known Member
30 July 2006
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Why can't you do prelim 7 even if your canter isn't perfect? Concentrate on the walk and trot sections, and treat it as a schooling exercise. It's always good to get show experience for the horses, and you can aim to do an accurate and flowing test. It's still hit and miss whether my youngster gets the right lead, and we're still careering round like motorbikers in the canter, but I'm taking her to competitions regardless. Just keep asking for the correct lead, and don't worry even if you don't get it - it's a very small section of the test.

Regarding getting the right lead - have you tried using a pole set diagonally on the corner, and asking for canter as you go over it?


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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That was what my instructor said we'll do after we get the bending right.....

I know what you mean about showing but I do have alot of respect for my instructor - know's his stuff!

We also have to battle with one eye issues so I think it's probably only fair to take baby steps....makes sense why he doesn't like his right rein as he can only see inside the arena and not keep an eye on what's going on around the outside.