Getting fit for hunting


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Have been catching up on some of these threads with interest (I tend to disappear off this forum in the summer), and it got me thinking about fitness. I need to get a lot fitter but let's stick to what's realistic and talk about horse fitness ;-)

I'm a leisure hunter at best (tend to go out a few times a month). Hunted a bit last season and she was a superstar, totally loves it and brave as anything but well behaved. She currently gets worked 6 days a week - schooled 2/3 times, hacked 1/2 (for 1-2 hours), some jumping (xc and sj depending on ground etc) and lunged twice a week - that doesn't add up to 6 cos sometimes I ride and lunge on the same day. She's a tiny bit porky with the summer grass but is losing that, is well muscled and I think she's pretty fit.

Planning on doing more extended hacks over the summer, a few more xc sessions and sponsored rides. We've done a few (fairly gentle) 3 hour sp rides and, although she's tired at the end, she's certainly not knackered.

I reckon that will be enough for us to get out Autumn hunting, which should top off her fitness for the full season. Does that sound about right you?


Well-Known Member
7 March 2008
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Tbh ours are never that fit at the start - we keep them ticking over in the summer with a few hacks a week and the occasional fun ride. We then join in mounted hound exercise, then move them onto cubbing twice a week, so by OM tend to be plenty fit enough. Obviously as the season continues they get hunting fit, and tbh can be 'too fit' by Jan so become a pita if meets are cancelled at that time of year!

A lot also depends on the country you are hunting, and the type of pack. Our hunt is a small one that is not very fast, or with much jumping - however we have a lot of hills so stamina is required. Again we are lucky as our hacking is also hilly, so when they meet one out hunting they do not collapse in a heap!!!

Yours sounds perfectly fit for autumn hunting, and as the above poster said, fitter than a lot of horses out there. We have some subscribers that have only sat on their horses a couple of weeks before cubbing since the end of last season, not that I agree with that personally. However as you will not be hunting weekly weekly you may have to do some longer/faster hacks in the winter to keep yours conditioned for hunting.

Have fun!
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Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Thanks both. Have been meaning to reply earlier but not as easy to do that on the mobile. I was just pootling along doing fun summer stuff and completely forgot that the hunt season was coming up, hence slight panic about fitness and also it clicking that I needed to do some hunt prep work.

Sounds like we are doing ok, just need to up the time under saddle each time out. Did the first longer hack this weekend and it was fabulous. We had a blast around the fields and she feels like she would canter for ever if she was allowed to.

L&M ours is mainly flat/wooded, nothing too hilly (I go out with the Kimblewick). Most tiring thing is likely to be deep ground and, although she's good in deep going, I wouldn't go out if it was really bad.

Have been checking out sub rates and xc courses and hunter trials near me. Excited !