Getting her fit again?


Well-Known Member
20 September 2005
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Now Josie has come back up and is now going to be a riding horse rather than a breeding one
, it's time to think about how I should get her fit.

I have found a lovely sharer for her 3 days a week so together we are going to devise a 'get fit plan'. I obviously want ot take it very slowly and careful, remebering she was actually only backed 4 months before I found out about baby D and had to stop riding.

What would you all suggest? I have a menage, hacking, but only on road, but she's an angel and I need to do it for my confidence too. I also have a pessoa which I will be using.

When she has got to reasonable level of fitness. I'll be having a half hour lesson every other say morning, building up to an hour.
Thanks for any ideas xxxx


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
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If it were me, I would just hack her for the first few weeks, starting in walk for 2 weeks then introduce short trots. If you don't need her to be very fit (ie for hunting/eventing) then an hour would be enough.

After a few weeks of hacking, I would then introduce short sessions in the school, say 20 mins, just walk and trot building up to 30-45 mins with cantering.

Then when she's at the level you want, you can keep her ticking over with 2/3 schooling sessions and 2/3 hacks per week.

Lunging is also good. Pessoa's are great, but they do make them work very hard, so it it were me, I wouldn't start using that until you've done all your hacking, and then just start with 10 mins on each rein, building up from there.

That's just what I'd do, others will have different methods.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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id start by walking under saddle (not with you on) for 15mins a day for a couple of weeks, then perhaps increase to 25mins for the next couple of weeks. Then introduce a bit of trot work with you on board - but go back to basics such as leaning over her etc to let her get used to you being on board. id also get your sharer to lead you around on her.

its just a really gradual process to be honest, especially as she'd only just been broken when you got her. im sure other people will suggest different things, but in the end its up to you as to what feels right for you and her.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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As a rule of thumb, I have always been taught that one weeks walk hacking for every month off, up to 6 months - does that make sense? So even if a horse has been off work for over 6 months, you walk for 6 weeks. Each hack can get longer and longer and in clude schooling movements when out hacking. After that you introduce trot work, gradually building up the length of time trotting -this can be hacking and in the school. After 2.5/3 months introduce canter work, again, gradually increasing the length of time cantering.

This is only a guide though - some horses take longer, other not so long. At the end of the day, you know your horse.

Good luck hun - this is exciting for you!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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i wouldnt start with an hours worth of walking, not for a horse that has just had a foal and will no doubt be very unfit. like SN said ive also always been told that however many months theyve had off you walk for the number of weeks. but all horses are individual in the end, so i guess just see how it goes.