Getting pony to take aloe vera


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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I'd like to start giving my pony aloe vera as he's started being a bit reactive to touch around the girth again- he's previously had ulcers. The yard owner, very experienced, has tried syringing it - as I'd read this was the best way to feed it. He's normally ok to take a syringe but has very quickly decided that he doesn't like the taste and she now can't get near him. I don't want her to have a twice daily battle with him so we're trying it in his feed - building up from a tiny amount. Has anyone else had this with aloe vera and found a solution?


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23 November 2019
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Its quite a mild benign taste, so likely doesnt like the syringing as mentioned already.

I added aloe juice to soaked speedibeet and even my stealthy gelding that notices any minor change in his feed, hoovered it up without complaint.


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12 March 2005
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If you get stuck, try AloeRide? It's tasteless & there is so little of the powder - less than a Lemsip. My old ex-racer has always been a bit 'gastric' (he has PSSM variants p3 & px, & p3 is the gastric once) and he used to get regular gassy colics but the AloeRide stops it happening (touch wood). It's jolly expensive, but not as expensive as colic surgery. I find it most cost effective to buy 6 months at a time.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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Thanks all. We're going to try it in his feed. He has a very wet mash of grass nuts and speedy beet, with mint it, so hopefully he won't notice it. It is strange as he's usually very good about syringes. He has three a day when he had the ulcers and at that yard they could do it in the field. He had impaction colic a couple of weeks ago and was happy to have salt water syringed in every couple of hours. Is there a difference in the types of aloe vera you can get? I bought from a link that I found on here from past posts. It's very watery. The yard owner tasted it and said it tastes vile.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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If you get stuck, try AloeRide? It's tasteless & there is so little of the powder - less than a Lemsip. My old ex-racer has always been a bit 'gastric' (he has PSSM variants p3 & px, & p3 is the gastric once) and he used to get regular gassy colics but the AloeRide stops it happening (touch wood). It's jolly expensive, but not as expensive as colic surgery. I find it most cost effective to buy 6 months at a time.

Thanks. I've had a look at their website and it looks good. I worry a bit about putting the liquid in his feed as I read it's not then as effective. This looks a good alternative.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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I found it very effective in the feed. I've never seen anything about it not being as effective

Thanks. I was recommended to contact a race horse retraining yard, which used it a lot for ulcers when the horses came in. The yard manager told me that she preferred to syringe it as they found it more effective. I hope he'll eat it in his feed but for a fat little pony he's a fussy bugger.