Getting the vet out tomorrow

Fools Motto

Well-Known Member
30 June 2011
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Have booked the vet anyway to give my girls a check over and their jabs. But, as it's turned out the old boy, Horse, who is owned by a family member also needs the vet. He is rising 31, and today he just isn't right. He hasn't eaten up and has got a swollen hind. He is sound, but it doesn't look good. It will, however be easier to talk to the vets regarding his prognosis without family member being there and assuming he will last forever regardless of how the horse is.
This family member did have my old tb put down about 10 years ago, without my knowledge. It was, however right for the horse, so I hold no grudges. He just finds it hard for his own, and I hope the vet can make him see sense via me. Only time will tell, but please have a few thoughts tomorrow for the old horse.