Giles B....


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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If you go to the 'Sabbing Reports' page, down the side it says 'F#ck the hunt' ' Hunt Scum Gallery' click on that, takes you to 'Scum of the week', scroll down and click enter, then click the pic, second row down, 3rd on your right (red coat and beagler, next to flat cap), click his pic on the left -takes you to Tony Wright's page - you're up there with the great man :) - click on his pic and there you are!!

Hope you don't get lost as all that sounds very confusing for us 'dumb ass, in-bred, country bumpkins'!


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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I absolutely love it. My very own page! "Farmer and general idiot" Fantastic.

You can always tell when they start insulting you that you're hitting the spot.

I think probably Countryside Terrorist might be a little strong.

I've embedded a little comment in one of the press stories they link to just for them.

PS. I wonder who is taking the piss out of whom here, it's all SO post modern!


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
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Incidently that picture was taken of me by Paul Tillsley who's the sancturies manager at the Baronsdown deer Gulag near Dulverton. I know that because I went there with my dog wearing that coat only once and Paul was the only person there. He's a complete twat.

When I went there to hunt deer he was stood by the gate with a video camera stuck to his face. As if surrounding one guy with a little doggie with twenty camera wielding monitors wasn't enough. I took a photo of him and asked him if he minded and he said ' er yes I do actually!'. Presumably he then went and emailed his picture of me to his spotty little twerp hunt sab mates so they could stick their ridiculous red target on it and post it on their pathetic excuse for a website.

Hunt Scum, my arse!

Their stupid court order forbids me from even encouraging any one to walk the footpath through their disease ridden gulag. If anyone wants to risk the TB or various other diseasesd emanating from the unwashed tossers inhabiting that place let me know, I can send them a map. Take a dog with you and hunt deer (just for a laugh obviously).


Well-Known Member
1 October 2006
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Believe it or not, unlike you I don´t obsessively scan this forum for mentions of yourself. I couldn´t care less whether you´re fat or thin: you're still an arse.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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"you're still an arse"

I think in most people's minds whether they are pro anti or whatever, your saying that would make them think you're a total twat.

Not that I would ever call you that as I wouldn't sink so low to grace you with an insult.

We like to debate on this forum that's because we are in the main intelligent rational people. People who just hurl insults are not taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
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I think it made my point fairly well. I illegally hunted for wild deer on the LACS sanctuary surrounded by about twenty toss pots with video cameras.

I'd made it perfectly clear to LACS that I was going to keep my dog to the path and the only law I was going to break was the Hunting Act. And that is all I did. What did they expect, a pack of hounds chasing deer? I'd made it clear no deer would be cahsed. You don't have to chase animals to break the law.

The demonstration was very well attended by the people who were meant to be there and that was LACS.

If the law isn't ridiculous then why didn't they prosecute me?
LACS know it is absurd for searching for deer to be made illegal. They said as much in the newspaper article.

They also know it is wrong that flushed out deer to be shot. They can't says so though because they put politics above animal welfare. Total hypocrits.

I can break the Hunting Act whenever I like. Why? Because the law is absurd and idiotic. The MPs who voted for are morons.

I just let my dogs chase deer on my farm. Why shouldn;t I? Do you hinestly think the police are going to stop someone chasing wild mammals with dogs. Of course they aren't.

A sensible law would be against cruelty. Stupid laws can be publicly broken with impunity.


Well-Known Member
1 October 2006
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Do a simple test for me Giles: look at your posts and work out how often you say "I", "me" etc... The frequency easily exceeds the norm.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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BTW. I'm perfectly happy for you to take the mick. It helps make my point. I am aware thsat the whole thing is a complete joke.

If you have a joke law then you're bound to get joke crimes.

I hunt for laughs. That's probably the best reason of all. If you find it funny as well then so much the better.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
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So what. Asaying it's important to break the Hunting Act openly. That means drawing attention to oneself doing so.

So far peta you haven't entered ito any debate about the Hunbting Act or hunting. Why is this?

Mainly you seem to be making comments about other people. Is thast all you do?


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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Do a simple test for me Peta: look at your posts and work out how many of them contain cheap personal comments about other people The frequency easily exceeds the norm.

Conversely, can you point any out that form part of what one could term a rational argument?


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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I'm happy to say that the LACS solicitor is supporting me in getting my photograph removed from the NELS hunt scum gallery. It's displayed illegally as it is owned by Paul Tilsley who took it.

Once they remove it the image below will evaporate.