While I don't and won't condone any drug taking at any level, it seems harsh to me.
You would have thought in those circumstances it would have been possible to have two independent tests done as a re-check and in light of her exemplary record before this that the company would have instigated them without batting an eyelid. If she's that good an employee you would have thought they'd want to prove her innocence.
If, as reported, she is 'blemish free' then I hope she wins her appeal and then tells the firm where to stick their job!
Surely smoking weed is more likely to cause depression!!!!!!!
We get random drugs and alcohol tests at work, a man in the goods store was sacked last summer for the same thing - getting stoned is not worth your job.
Why do they need a drugs test for working in a call centre? my dads work drug test certain members of staff but thats for health and safety reasons- hoe does having the odd joint affect your work?#
I think there is more to that than meets the eye!
HeHe!! Reminds me when I was in the TA and my friend turned up to let the CO know she'd helped herself to a housemate's flapjack... When her housemate got home she was horrified my friend had had one, and told her they had an "extra" ingredient!! When she got to the barracks, the drugs testing team were there - she had to leg it!!! Ahh the good old days!
her husband smokes weed to help with depression?????
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Works the same way as a few too many drinks-makes you feel great at the time.Then you crash back to earth and everything feels 100 times worse.
And of course it has been linked to the onset of numerous mental health problems, TBH cant understand why anyone would want to take a drug they dont have to!
doesn't an employer buy your time and not your life? if i want a drink heavily on the night before then get a test in the morn but im fully comp to work and do my job efficiently isnt that my choice? as for smoking weed i believe alcohol is more of a depressant... ive heard it makes u laugh!
Either I am totally over reacting here or I have miss read your post but cant believe someone would have that view point! Sorry if I have misread.
If the alcohol is in your system you are not as able to do your job as you would be if it wasn't in your system. Thats why you can be done for drink driving the morning after!
In my industry, people are regularly drug tested before being offered a role, and randomly whilst performing it.
I think it's fair enough to be honest - if there's a significant drug presence when tested, then it's possible that it's affecting their capacity to perform their role. And why should the firm being paying for that??
Also, there's issues with addiction and health and safety.
Drinking heavly and coming into work with a hangover is likely to get you sent straight home and the hours unpaid where i work. It effects you for upto 48 hours afterwards and impairs your judgement and capability. Can you honestly say you are 100% operational when you have a hangover and are feeling rather ill. I cant, i'd be lucky to be 40%. Heavy machinery or blades or even just office equipment is dangerous enough when you are fully mentaly functional. Drugs and drink delay your reactions so you might end up getting hurt!
it doesnt effect my work and the short time that i am here. my point being isnt what people choose to do upto that particular person out of work placement. it effects people in very diff ways but as long as u are capable of doing the tasks u r paid for. i certainly dont ask my Co director to piss on a stick.
and you never mis read. i would never work for a company that feels the need to determine what i can and cant do. im not a drug taker but certainly like a drink occassionaly. but isnt that my choice and if i can come in to work do my job and leave without phoning in sick, slouching on my desk and missing important details. yes you can still be arrested for drink driving the morning after. depending on ur BAC it can take as long as 10 hours to leave ur system through 3 ways thus enabling you to drive the morning