Global Herbs Supercalm-anyone used this


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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And how long did it take to work?Especially in relation to aggressive horses!!My mare(prone to biting big chunks out of you)has been on this for 2 weeks so just wondering if effects should have been noticeable or maybe just isn't the one for her.Thanks.


Well-Known Member
9 November 2006
East Anglia
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I have to say I used it on my moody and firey mare to calm her down. She was a TB (I was crazy to have her)...and unfortunately I didn't find it worked.

Ok that didn't answer your question....but I dunno...I thought I'd post it anyway!


Well-Known Member
15 September 2006
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not used that one but have used nupafeed liquid calmer. These things usually need a loading dose and a bit of time before they work as they need to build up levels within the horse.

It wasn't till i was at the end of the first bottle that i noticed a difference but when we did it was well worth sticking it out, she is a completly different mare now.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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i feed different global herbs products to Bloss ad they work really well, i know people who have used the calmer and they say it worked well.

but surely you should be feeding a 'mare' suppliment (such as oestress) not a calmer?


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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Thanks for replies.Have used other Global Herbs with good results and it was recommended by saddlery(mainly because it was only calmer that specifically mentioned agression).Have tried Oestress with no effect whatsoever.Am thinking behavioural rather than hormonal but will get this checked out to exclude from picture.I tend to think she's in the attacks best form of defence catagory( maybe totally off base here).She is horrendous in stable so lives out 24/7 so something bad has happened to her at one point(god help me if she ever needs box rest)This is not a nip she gives but a full blown bite!Bit through padded toggi jacket,jumper and top and left a huge black bruise on shoulder so not the sort of thing you can ignore and carry on.May have to start a whole new thread on this one!!.Someone suggested a calmer initially as its makes working with her quite stressful you always have to be aware.As it is have her in seperate paddock with my old welsh cob as unsure about other people/kids going near her even in a field.


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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Hi no she's not TB.Shes a 16.hh skewbald middleweight type.Was bought for me to general stuff,just have a bit of fun!Have owned her for 18month but she was on loan to a riding school for a bit(I know not the best place for her but they were aware of her problems and very experienced they put up with biting as she was good in school and it was a stop gap as personal circumstances meant I could loan or sell and this gave me a breather til I could get her back, not ideal but ....)She has aways had this prob.Reared its ugly head bout 2 months or so after I bought her but she is good once you get on her back.Just takes the enjoyment out of it for both of us.Hoped calmer would help chill her out a bit so we could work together and build a bond