God dammit do I speak a foreign language or what!


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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Grrr, had just fed Pidge tonight and the other livery wanted to move his horse from its temporary box opposite Pidge to its permanent one next to Pidge. I said no problem as long as you take him the other side of the walkway as Pidge is eating (he gets a bit grumpy when eating). Turned round to see his horse smack bang in front of my box with Pidge pulling all the faces under the sun and trying to nip his horses bottom while livery is trying to shut the temporary box door! WTF he couldn't have got closer to Pidge if he had tried to! I really do begin to wonder if I am speaking English or not! Grrr first rant over and done with.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2006
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I think to some people you do. I bought a horse from nijinsky line and got him cheap cause he was so badly behaved, when ridden he just bucked solidly so I used to wait till late to ride him for saftey of others in there, I was rididng late one night and someone came in I said you know what he is like so do not come anywhere his back end, what did she do right up his a*se poor horse and 2 big feet in its face and I was told my horse is dangerous and it was my fault, hence why I used to ride after 9 oclock at night cause everyone had finished just this time this girl decided her horse needed riding for the second time that day, Fools some people are.