Goda*n motorbikes...cause accident...


Well-Known Member
30 October 2005
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On one of the hacks today there was an accident.
Two bikes on the bridleway, one stops and shouts to his friend to stop, but he revved up and went past. Horse bolted and ditched the rider, second horse bolted followed by third, they were all scared sh*tless. Second rider came off.
I got the call, and went down with my sis. Ambulance had been called but like us, struggled to get to the horses as it was on bridleway.

I scrambled down a bank through thorns and nettles to get to them. Some people had helped by holding one of the horses and calling the ambulance.

Poor helper taken to hospital, probably with broken collarbone.. Girls rode horses back, although they were bit shaky.

Godamn bikers, not even safe on our bridleways now......

Horses very unsettled and will now have to be ridden past bikes to get their confidence back. Had to close up early because it wasn't fair on horse or rider to carry on hacking today, as all were shaky. Police are doubtful they can do anything. Typical.

Idiots, I do despise bikers who ride on pavements and bridleways..........


Well-Known Member
8 May 2005
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OMG. Hope everyone is ok. You really have a rough time of it. I work im MK & tend to think of itr as "bandit country". Every car accident I have had - all people driving in to my car - has been in MK & my car was broken into in MK. I'm sure it's not all like taht, but reading your emails it does not seem horse friendly at all.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2005
the shire
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hugs! i do hope everyones ok and not too badly traumatised long term. you must be so annoyed!



Well-Known Member
30 October 2005
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It is horse friendly really, I mean we have 46 miles of bridleway through country and woods. Just flippin motorbike riders think they can use some of them as trail rides.
They just don't think.

Really it is a nice place to ride in

I am annoyed cos it was a treat for the girl to be going out for an hour hack rather than 1/2 hour, hope it hasn't put her off!


Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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OMG how awful hope the poor girl is ok

Good grief I dare not think about what would have happened if i had been riding Beacon when that happened because he is terrified of cycles and motorbikes!! It certainly would not be case of riding him past them to get used to them, it just would not happen.

He is a wonderful horse BUT these are things that I cannot get him used to no matter how much work I put in. With cycles he is fine as long as he knows who the rider is,, i.e I can ride the cycle and lead him at the same time, or someone can ride past him who he knows BUt put a stranger in the picture and it is a different story.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2003
London and Hertfordshire
What you need to do is contact the 'Enforcement Officer' of the Access Department at your County Hall or District Council and ask them to install Step in Step Out Motorcyle Barriers (To British Standard 5709:2001) across the entrances to the bridleways. This means that the horses can step in and out but any motorcyclists would have to lift their bike over it in to it and over it out of it. This means that if they are being chased they are slowed down. Also ask your local police to provide trial bike police patrols at the time the motorcyclists usually use it. Get all the local riders to try and get the number plates of any motorcyclists on the bridleway and report them to the police (always ask for an incident number). Under new laws those caught riding on Bridleways get their motorbikes crushed. If you require any assistance contact me. peter.natt@btinternet.com British Horse Society Access Officer Hertfordshire.


Well-Known Member
2 June 2006
The great english countryside!
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Peter Natt, well done you - that is fab advice that you have just given to these poor people and horses! Honestly give yourself a pat on the back!
I'm just so lucky where I am now - Sleepy dorset countryside, ok I still get the odd arrogant driver - but by far the majority they are fine.
Java Jane - I would do all the things that Peter Natt has advised


Well-Known Member
30 October 2005
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Thanks, I will do what Peter has suggested. Although, the council don't own the bridleways, they are cared for by someone else, who may not be able to do this due to expense.

The girl has broken her collarbone, but is asking if she can get on Rosie as soon as she is better

Will have to work with the horses now though, Rosie is the most calm horse in any traffic, noise, disturbance etc, but reckon this has shaken her too, they jumped at everything on the way home.


Well-Known Member
19 September 2005
Cheltenham, England
Before the NERC bill was introduced earler this year, the law was as follows:

Public footpaths = pedestrians
Bridleways = Horses, Pedestrians, (Cyclists giving way to Horses)
Cyclepaths = Cyclists, Pedestrians.
RUPPS = Pedestrians, Cyclists, Horses, Cars & Motorcycles (restricted to 30mph)
Byways & ORPAs (Other Roads with Public Access) - same as the rupps.

Now, the only places cars and motorcycles can legally drive is ORPAs and BOATS (byways open to all traffic)

Bridleways marked as such have always been off limits to motorised vehicles.

Before the new laws came in, I did a bit of green laning in my 4x4. If I saw anyone attempting to drive a bridleway I'd tell them to discretely get off it asap, and if they ignored it, I'd have reported them myself !