Going to see Monty Roberts


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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I got a message on facebook from a friend, saying she was going to see him and would I like a ticket :O :O!!!
Yea please!!

She got me a ticket and I'll be seeing his show on the 11th feb :D

I've wanted to see him for years!
If only I could take Nedly along, haha :p


Well-Known Member
22 September 2007
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I went to see him quite some years ago with three friends.

I would have left in the interval but didn't want to spoil my friends enjoyment. Later I discovered we all felt the same. Just didn't 'do anything' for us.

I do hope you enjoy it anyway.


Well-Known Member
4 January 2009
East Kent
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Have a wonderful time!! I am an IH member and volunteered at the Hadlow demo in Oct. Very interesting watching behind the scenes! Kelly Marks will also be there and she is excellent. Go up and chat to them in the interval, both such nice people. xx


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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Have a wonderful time!! I am an IH member and volunteered at the Hadlow demo in Oct. Very interesting watching behind the scenes! Kelly Marks will also be there and she is excellent. Go up and chat to them in the interval, both such nice people. xx

Ooh, you can go and chat to them? :O Might be a chance to give them a drawing :)
I'm awful with telling people I like them or admire them...so I just give a picture and hope that's enough of a give away XD hehe!


Well-Known Member
17 June 2011
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I love them both. I've been to see them 3 times, and spoke to them both for ages. Kelly is lovely and has helped me massively. Monty is lovely too, but he has so many people wanting to talk to him he was in a bit of rush, fair enough I thought.

Hope you enjoy it, I think at times its a bit commercialised but if you can look past that its amazing IMO :)

I'm jealous! :D


Well-Known Member
17 June 2006
By chat from experience it was a quick book signing then go and I had my horse there for use in the Demo, as the 'Spooky pony'. Monty did not want to speak to me other than in front of the audience and I was only allowed to answer not to question. Kelly is nice. Its all a bit smoke and mirrors TBH. I had to fight for 3 months to get the DVD of the footage they took of my horse's session despite it being promised readily on the night. I was left a bit empty feeling by it all, afterall if he really wanted to help he would have spent more time talking to me surely? ho hum. Oh and FWIW I ended up selling said horse back to his breeder after spending 5 years of trying to sort out his issues.....


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31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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Kelly Marks came to my old yard a few years ago, if I remember correctly it was really interesting. It was probably close to 10 years ago so I can't really remember what went on, but do remember being impressed with how she handled the difficult horses and quietly got them around to her way of thinking.


Well-Known Member
16 October 2011
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I went to the one in October as well at Hadlow. I had never really had much interest in what he did before then and was a bit sceptical but I did enjoy it a lot, was quite surprised at what he achieved to be honest with you but yes I personally thought it was worth while :)


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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I booked my tickets today too for the one on the 11th. Have had a RA out to work with my lad and found it very interesting.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
Stafford, Staffordshire
My husband and I will be there - Simon'll be on the gantry filming and I'll be the physio helping check the horses in the afternoon and around the 'IH village' in the evening - apologies in advance if we don't get time to do more than say hi - it can get pretty manic! Annielusian, you know that if you want some help with your horse you can contact your local Intelligent Horsemanship Recommended Associate to visit you at your yard? Monty is indeed very busy during the evening, he's an incredible man to chat with but everyone wants a piece of his time! How many 76yr old men do you know that would be as generous with their time, knowledge and patience as he is?!
A demonstration is of course simply that, it is not sold as a 'fix', and Monty is generally very good at pointing out that he is just giving the owner a 'roadmap' to follow - that's where the Recommended Associates then come in handy. One of my clients has a horse that is phobic of clapping and asked me if she should take her horse to see Monty - she was surprised when I said that although of course it would help, the demonstration alone would be unlikely to fix the problem, she would have to continue with the homework herself. Guess she just wanted a magic cure! However, if you've got a horse that you'd like Monty's help with then why not get in touch with the Intelligent Horsemanship office and see if there are spaces available at your nearest demo?
Looking forward to February tour already - hope it's not too cold! Luckily I bought a heated jacket last year!


Well-Known Member
10 October 2006
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I have been to a MR and a separate Kelly Marks show, both were hugely interesting, but I think people have to remember it is a 'show', not a charity service and the work is to show what can be achieved by using a different way of thinking. Anyone who believes their horse is going to be fixed on the night needs a reality check.

We used an IH associate once to help us with some issues with a horse and he couldnt have been more helpfull and willing to give us a back up service. I think its unfair to expect MR or KM to be able to do this when they are on tour. Hope OP enjoys the show.


Well-Known Member
23 November 2011
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I volunteer at Bishop Burton every time he comes - so nice to meet like minded people, have a different sort of day and help out. You always learn something new, no matter how tiny.

I was Montys 'photographer' last time and was amazed how he managed to have a nice word to say to everyone who queued up and hung all over him etc He is phenomenal man, doing these tours at his age etc etc I cant speak highly enough of him!


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
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Monty is indeed very busy during the evening, he's an incredible man to chat with but everyone wants a piece of his time! How many 76yr old men do you know that would be as generous with their time, knowledge and patience as he is?!

To be fair Sue, Monty is also a businessman, and I am sure he is not doing it for love!!! I went to one of his shows last year, and whilst I slightly cynically enjoy what he does (and Kelly), I also felt that it was as much about how much they could earn from everybody there on the day (you couldnt have a signing / photo unless you purchased his book).
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Well-Known Member
15 October 2008
Cloud Cockoo Land
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Watch how Monty is continuously moving the horse back and forward while talking, etc. to me that is the biggest thing I learnt. If the horse is moving back and forward it can't think too much about everything happening around and if it is concentrating on moving back and forward it can't rear or muck about.

Just my thoughts. Like all demos there are always bits you like and bits you don't, but I do credit Monty with being one of the most influential people in modern horse care in the late 20th Centuary and for that reason, if no other, then go and see him while you can.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2008
East Sussex
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I've seen both Monty Roberts and Kelly Marks and would say I prefered MR's as Kelly's was much more of a performance, with horses pushing balls and jumping picnic tables etc.

That said, I have endless admiration for both of them and have used RAs successfully several times.

My main advice for OP would be to take multiple layers/blankets/coats etc as when I saw MR at Hadlow College some years ago it was absolutely freezing!!


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
Stafford, Staffordshire
Just quickly wanted to clear up one point made by BevvyD - you don't have to buy anything to have Monty Roberts sign something for you, but you do have to go through the queue. This is to prevent him having people coming at him from both sides in what is already a very busy area.
I'd agree with the last poster that my best advise is to bring plenty of warm layers, and a flask of hot drink!