Goodnight my little best friend

7 May 2020
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So tonight we had to rush our beautiful boy to the emergency vets. He’s been in fine health and we’ve been preparing for our pending emigration. I’d just cut out a photo to put in his pet passport (there’s a place for a photo so thought why not).

He’d been his usually snuggly bug and had decided to go and lie in his duvet box with the little foam mattress and duvet I’d made (he decided it was now his box on the arrival of our new duvet), he got up and yowled and walked across the lounge with a back leg trailing, he went and hid in the bookcase and we coaxed him out gently and both legs had gone and his breathing had got very rattly.

We rushed him to the emergency vet and they told us his heart was failing and they expected it was a blood clot cutting off the circulation to his back legs, he had a significant amount of fluid in his lungs.

We had to let him go, she explained there were things that could be tried but the prognosis was poor, there wasn’t hesitation in our decision, they can’t fix it and he’s in so much pain. Unfortunately, he bit right through my finger whilst I was trying to comfort him on the way to the vets (he then proceeded to chew at the bars of the cage he was in), so I had a vet too, have to go for antibiotics to A&E first thing.

He has been by my side for 9 years, I end up carrying him around the house on my hip like a small child if he’s been lying on me and I need to get up as he doesn’t want to get off me. Without fail, wherever he is in the house, if I went to the downstairs loo he’d be in there like a shot as he hated doors being pushed to (or worst closed!), if he’d been out in the garden he’d come back in the house and shout until I called his name and he’d run and find me. Dare to sit on the sofa with feet on the coffee table and he’d be on your legs until all feeling went (he was 7.5kgs).

He’s passed every annual health check with no issues and every vet has fallen in love with him and the vet nurses have cuddled him amazed at his enormous feet (everything about him was big) to his incredibly fluffy tail.

I can’t believe he has gone. Not sure I know how I will cope without him. Hubby goes away tomorrow back abroad, so I’m all alone again. We’ve had a horrific few months as our young grandson was taken off life support and sent home to die and we are waiting every day for a phone call. We are in the middle of a house sale and pending emigration.

Sorry for the rant, my mental health is feeling so fragile and to lose my best little bud has made me feel so helpless.

A heartfelt hug to everyone who has lost someone special recently. xx6259DCD3-0DEB-428D-A4D2-CE81C531FEB1.jpegCA51B9D3-5747-4F17-A7F0-647914DC8CB9.jpeg
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There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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Oh poor you, what a beautiful cat, what a wonderful life he had with you, and what a big hole he must leave behind in your life. I' m so sorry for your loss, and I'm so sorry to hear that things are the way they are with your grandson.
Lots of {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}, and I hope that at least your finger heals as quickly as possible.
7 May 2020
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Thank you everyone for your kind words. I’ve ended up going to two different A&Es as my GP refused to prescribe antibiotics (said it was too high risk for her to treat!), couldn’t park at the first A&E so feeling a bit frazzled. It is lovely to see your kind words as I’ve never felt so alone no hubby has gone back. Thank god I have the horses and our other little cat (his sister), to keep me going. She’s so different from him it’s like having a teenager in the house, sleeps all day, just wants feeding and affection is very rare. Milo was a legend, he was a “be more dog” type cat, played fetch, always wanted to be with you, came for walks around the fields with us. He’s buried under his favourite tree in the field, near the bunny warren that always fascinated him so much. x


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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You are absolutely going through the wars at the moment, aren't you? So sorry about your cat and your grandson :(



Well-Known Member
27 October 2009
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How horrible for this to have happened, on top of such a stressful time for you and your family, I am so sorry for your loss :(

If it is any consolation; I have seen this in quite a few cats over the years, it is always very sudden and euthanasia is really the only option. You did the right thing and released him of his pain quickly. Look after yourself xxx

Errin Paddywack

Well-Known Member
20 June 2019
West Midlands
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What a beautiful cat he was. So sorry to hear about this. We lost one the same way, fine one minute, jumped on the couch and then yowled, couldn't move his back legs. He was only 8. Vet said it was an iliac thrombosis, he was put down straight away. The shock was horrific.
Losing such a lovely cuddly people cat is so hard. Take care of yourself and I hope things improve for you.
7 May 2020
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How horrible for this to have happened, on top of such a stressful time for you and your family, I am so sorry for your loss :(

If it is any consolation; I have seen this in quite a few cats over the years, it is always very sudden and euthanasia is really the only option. You did the right thing and released him of his pain quickly. Look after yourself xxx

Gosh, thank you for your post, that has helped enormously knowing there really wasn’t anything that could be done. It’s the speed of it that has been the worst thing as he was happily snoozing on me moments before he jumped off to get in his duvet box.
7 May 2020
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What a beautiful cat he was. So sorry to hear about this. We lost one the same way, fine one minute, jumped on the couch and then yowled, couldn't move his back legs. He was only 8. Vet said it was an iliac thrombosis, he was put down straight away. The shock was horrific.
Losing such a lovely cuddly people cat is so hard. Take care of yourself and I hope things improve for you.

Thank you, I’m so sorry for your loss as well. He was a real snug bug.
7 May 2020
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Oh no I'm really sorry to hear this, it's awful. It sounds like you made the right decision to let him go but I know it doesn't make it any easier (I went through this in September). It sounds like he had a lovely life with you. Sending lots of hugs xxx

So sorry for your loss too. He has had a very good 9 years with us and I’m a huge softy, I used to tell him every now and then when I was putting him to bed (sleeps in the boot room with the boiler), the story about how we found him at the caretaker’s house of a lovely church in Lytham, their cat had unexpectedly had kittens and we went to find a kitten as a companion for our older cat we had at the time and hubby chose Milo as when we stepped into their kitchen this little bundle of fluff jumped on his trainer and went for a ride around the kitchen. Little did we know the tiny bundle of fluff would grow into a very solid 7.6kg cat.
7 May 2020
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He will leave a big void in your life. Give yourself time to grieve. I hope your friends and family will be kind and understanding.❤️

Thank you, everyone has been so kind, everyone that knows us knows our animals are all part of the family and we may never have any spare money but they have a wonderful life with lots of love, kindness and compassion.