Got rocks animal communicator reading


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
Its sort of right but sort of not, i'll put my comments in a different colour under the actual quote.

Rocks is alert and aware of his surrounding, not too concerned for his safety, but not totally secure. He likes order and things to stay the same. There were some changes not too long back, things being moved around on the yard and a lot of cleaning up and Rocks wasn't certain whether he was going to be 'moved on'. <span style="color:red"> Ria was moving out of the flat above his stable and i was moving his stuff as we've recently moved yards </span> It seems to stem from a time when he was being brought on to sell and had several people trying him out and discussing his potential and capability. <span style="color:red"> he was bought from goresbridge horse sales by a dealer who then sold him to me after lots of people tried hi but didnt want him </span> He may have gone to a home that returned him as unsuitable (took a hold and was too much for the teenage rider), or was sold through the same dealer more than once. <span style="color:red"> not sure about this </span>

He has unusual food tastes, "I like cherries," he says. Someone has been feeding them to him from a brown paper bag - something you don't see often these days. <span style="color:red">NO idea about this noone feeds him cherries though maybe i'll try! </span> He adds, "I don't get fed unless I'm working." He seems to have been out over summer and got food when he comes in. <span style="color:red"> This is true </span> Oddly, he doesn't seem to mind being in the stable and not the field. <span style="color:red">Not sure about this he's very anxious in his stable </span> He takes his work seriously. He enjoys schooling and dressage, but is heavy on his forehand. <span style="color:red"> Oh so true!! </span> His saddle could be further back and your weight too at times. Galloping across country is easier, but he can't free his back end for dressage and thinks you have to shift your weight to enable that to happen. I had wondered if he evented as he has been showing me dressage and cross country, but he hasn't given me any show jumping pictures. If he does it, it isn't his favourite activity. <span style="color:red"> I do event him </span>

His favourite activity is 'playing out', This seems like groundwork and Parelli type games. He likes to work loose and to do exercises that help disengage his hindquarters or, according to the pictures I get, kick a ball around :-\ <span style="color:red"> Rocks favourite past time is playing with his purple ball so very true! </span>

He seems to fit in with other horses, but hasn't got a special friend. He enjoys people more than horses, as they 'use' him for something worthwhile. Once he realises that he is yours and you will want him until he is old, he will start to be more relaxed and happier. At present, he is doing his best to please and hoping it will be good enough for him to stay.

He is pleased that he has his own saddle, as that is a sign that you want to keep him. "It is a new saddle for me. I fit it very nicely, though in the early summer I have had it pinching my withers, but now it is fine." When he shows me your sitting on him, it feels like your back is stiff and hollow, causing him to hollow too. He wants you to get your seatbones vertical and then he will get his weight further back. You do a good job of keeping your weight in your knees and your lower leg is light on his side. One thing he is really pleased about compared to his last rider, you don't nag with your feet with every pace, though you do use the whip as a reminder, when you haven't actually asked him to do anything that needed a reminder. <span style="color:red">now this is very wrong because i've never ever ridden rocky with a whip in my life! </span>

"If I were to stay here, I would like a bigger stable with a nice view. I can only see a wooden box and a lot of straw. <span style="color:red"> true as hes in an american style barn atm </span> A box round a corner would be nice, with a view of the car park, then I can be ready to work when the right car appears and I can see if it is the time when horses get carrots. (Feed seems to come in sacks in the back of a pickup, but carrots come from car boots.) <span style="color:red"> not sure about this</span>

Rocks' skeletal alignment seems fine compared to the majority of horses. He has a very slight misalignment on his hips; the offside is slightly forward of the nearside. He has had a muscular problem in his offside hind leg, but it is better with exercise, though may still show when he works on the left rein. If he canters small circles, he will bunny hop slightly out from time to time, or fall in on his shoulder, to shift his weight. He adds that you drop your left shoulder when he does, <span style="color:red"> this is true i do tend to drop my shoulder </span> he would like you to move your outside seatbone over his back instead. Also watch your left hand, which drops below the right one on the left rein. He has difficulty with lateral work and would like to learn it unridden first. He can travers to the left, but is stiff to the right. <span style="color:red"> hm actually i find hes the opposite </span>

When unbalanced, he swishes his tail. <span style="color:red"> this is true </span>

so a mixed reading really not sure what to make of it


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005



Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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hmm. she could probably get the muscular stuff from the photo (don't ask me how!)
still not convinced.
Thanks for showin!


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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Hmm it sounds like a lot of guesswork and vague comments to me!

and from what I understand dont they have to actually have something to touch that belongs to the animal in question, or see the animal themselves?

hmm wish it was free, I know my mares ENTIRE history so I would be interested to know what she came up with!


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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While reading through this, it seems that she was right about a lot of things. OK a couple of things were wrong, but most of it was right. In this game, you can`t be 100% spot on, but she sounds like she did ok. She seemed to know quite a bit about him and you will have to try altering how you ride as she says, and see what difference it makes. I am open minded on this sort of thing as there is nothing to suggest that it does or doesn`t work. See what else she comes up with, I find it all very interesting. My friend has written off to someone similar and I can`t wait to see what she says.


Well-Known Member
13 July 2005
Harrietsham, Kent
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Hmm interesting - as somone else said, does sound pretty correct and I cant honestly see how someone can guess that much information...

well the truth will be shown - I have another reading with her for my new mare which i know the full history of (well near enough) so will see what she says then