Grace is finally clipped!


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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The vet came out to sedate Grace. She gave her a medium dose and we got her back two legs off and her belly. She then gave her a bit more because she was coming around too much, and then we got her other legs off and some of her head. Then she came around really quickly so she gave her a little bit more which really knocked her out and we finished her head and tidied some bits up.

The vet said she is a real fighter when it comes to sedation... but she said it's better to give them a smaller amount and top it up than anything else. Poor baby has woken up bald and woozy! Going to nip back and check on her in a an hour or so, and maybe give her a small feed depending on how she is.

The vet was absolutely brilliant, I was really pleased with her and have bought her a little present to say thank you as she stayed right until the end. I know I am paying, but it's the practice that will get a lot of that, rather than her. And she really deserves it...

The vet also thinks she has very sensitive skin which is what is causing the clipping problems (also the way she reacts to a fly). She said it would probably be easier just to sedate her every time rather than fighting, because she said at least thenm it is never a horrid experience.


Well-Known Member
5 June 2006
La la land
Glad she's finally done!

I'd agree about the sedation when you clip her in future. Some horse are super ticklish and will never tolerate being clipped. What's the point in stressing them out when clipping is something you'll probably only do twice a year?

I'd probably wait a bit longer to give her a feed... there is a small risk of them choking after being sedated.

On the subject of feed and sensitive skin - the two can be related. I don't know what you're feeding her but some horses are sugar intolerant and having it in their diet can make them very itchy and sensitive. Feeds to avoid are sugar beet and anything with molasses in - which is most of them. Also haylage and some hay can have too much sugar in for some horses.

I'm glad you're getting on so well with Grace - she looks lovely. I'll have to come down and see her one day


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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That's good news, but can I ask a question please. Why fully clip her out for her first clip? That's got to be more stressful for her. Would an Irish clip not have been satisfactory? at the most a hunter - why her legs too? Don't get me wrong, I like a fully clipped out horse, but just not for the first clip.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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SN_B... Grace had a rash which we thought was just on her neck and tummy, but on closer inspection she had it in the creases of her elbows (don't know the proper name, sorry) on her back, on her quarters and a little bit near her ears.

The vet explained that it looked like a sweat rash and that the best way to treat it would be to clip the area (which was basically everywhere) and use diluted hibiscrub. I then put E45 on it... the areas I have already been treating for the two weeks her body has been clipped have cleared up fantastically! So it's on to the areas where she needed clipping today. Otherwise I would just have given her a trace clip... it was unfortunate that her coat was quite thick as she had been living out for 12 months, so she sweated up very badly whenever she did any work which was just making the rash worse.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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Ahhhhh I knew that there would be a reason. I hope I didn't get you back up! Glad it's clearing up for her now - bless!


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Don't be silly... I would wonder exactly the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot! Just glad I can treat it now her coat has all gone, must have been driving her mad if it's anything like chapped skin on humans. Her coat has gone lovely too on the areas where I have treated the scabs.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Thanks.... she will be now she doesn't look like a HAPPA case with her clip! (looked like someone had taken to her with a knife and fork, LOL)

Really falling for her! Especially now I have found out how good her breeding is.