Grass livery, mud and rugs?


Well-Known Member
24 January 2011
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Hi all.

My grass livery lifestyle is wavering! My bank balance has really benefitted from the change from assisted DIY to grass livery. But my waistline hasnt, and my horse has hardly done anything for a few months.

He is a barefoot LGL traddy cob type and needs sparse grazing year round to avoid lami. His field is now a quagmire and he (and I) are miserable.

I have managed to rent a stable with hay and bedding included for only £15 more a week than I am already paying. So I have gone for it.

At the moment he is out 24/7 with no rugs, but has been dropping off despite hay, and speedibeet, so the time has come to add a rug as I dont want him to loose any more weight.

I am debating whether to bring him in during the day, and still put him out with hay overnight, or swap to out in the day and in at night for a few months.

Out at night suits my lifestyle better, but if I do that what rugs should I do?

Would he be ok rugless in the day (stabled) with a medium/heavy turnout on at night in the field? Or should I stick a lightweight stable/fleece on him in the stable. He is unclipped and not in work at the moment.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Get a lightweight turnout that can be left on during the day - or night, whenever he's stabled; it won't be too heavy or hot for him, a bit like us using a fleece and keeping it on all day, just is more pleasant to have warm muscles. Saves so much hassle and keeps the rug warm and dry too; it's not good for their muscles to be all warm and then rip the warm coat off and put on a cold coat. Something that isn't clipped should manage nicely without a heavy rug of any description unless it is poorly even if you leave him out at night (my preference too for a situation like yours)


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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You might find that him coming in day/night and having hay may help a lot with keeping the weight on. If he is not clipped there is no reason why he would need a rug in the stable - unless its a particularly windy or leaky stable! I'd go for the low fill rug intially and you can always build up if need be. It shouldn't really matter whether he is in daytime or night time. Will he have company if he goes out at night, or is he on his own anyway?


Well-Known Member
24 January 2011
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Thanks guys for the replies.

I have had a lovely day with him today. I invested in a new170g turnout rug as at the mo I only have a rainsheet and a 450g turn out, neither of which will do in this situation.

I have made up a stable, hay and speedibeet for him and worked out a routine which is do-able without needing to pay for much assistance, which is great.

8am to 3pm stabled with adlib hay and a feed of Speedibeet and supps.

5pm hay put in field by yard.

He has his 170g rug on and he should be fine in it either in or out. Though I will keep an eye to make sure he doesnt get hot in the stable.


Well-Known Member
14 April 2007
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When the weather is bad or the ground really sodden like it is at the moment I often bring ours into their stables for a few hours in the day. Works really well for them and does give them a break from it all. They do have the freedom to come and go in and out of their stables as they like 24/7 but rarely use them. I just like to know their feet are having a chance to dry out and that they can lie down in a lovely deep bed if they want to.

Turnout rugs are so breathable these days, hopefully your boy will fine with his new routine.