GRASS SICKNESS- Should I Be Worried???


Well-Known Member
7 January 2008
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I have just found out a young pony in my mares field has died from grass sickness, i dont know that much about the disease but Im worried about my mare. What you move yards (cant change field) or would be ok grazing your horse knowing another horse has had grass sickness.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2009
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The hardest thing about grass sickness is that despite extensive research the disease is still not very well understood. It is thought to be the result of Clostridial toxins destroying the nerves that control the gut but the disease process is not very well understood.

Has the young pony been definitely diagnosed - i.e. with gut biopsy or post mortem? Or are they just going on clinical signs? True grass sickness is also very rare in southern england, it is generally confined to NW england and scotland.

If your mare is older she should be less at risk, the peak incidence of GS is 2-7 years. It is hard to give good advice as the disease seems to be so random. Sometimes particular fields do cause a problem with multiple horses affected, other times it is just one horse only that is affected. You are in a bit of a no-win situation as sometimes changing fields can bring it on. Also don't forget Dubai Millennium, who died of GS despite living in a desert!

Sorry this is a waffley post and probably not very helpful. Basically I am trying to say that there is probably not a lot you can do to reduce your mare's risk of getting it, as I think there is a lot of individual susceptibility involved.

Fingers crossed for you, it is a horrible disease.


Well-Known Member
27 February 2008
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My horse died from grass sickness 2 years ago. she was in a field of 12 horses and was the only one to get it. the yard had never had grass sickness before, owner been there for 40 years, and the field has been grazed since, and no other in the 2 years have had it. We dont graze the field in spring and autum, but thats only due to the owner choice, as she talked to the vet, so is trying to minium the risk as much as possible. It such hit and miss which horses get it, that you could change every thing, but never be completly sure u have removed all risks!


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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it attacks different horses in different ways just because that one died witch is so horrible does not mean yours will just keep an very close eye on her and look out for the syptoms!


Been there, done that. Please do not worry, your horse is safe.