Well-Known Member
I am considering using a grazing muzzle for my daughter's 13.1 welsh section b. He is plump and seems to be getting fatter and I am paranoid about laminitis. He is 13 and previous owners have said he has never has laminitis. He is ridden most days so is getting quite a bit of exercise. 2 questions -
1) how careful do we need to be given he hasn't had it before. He is in at night so not eating 24 hours a day. He goes the night on one slice of hay and the grazing is fair in the field where he is. He has no hard feed. Just a handful of chaff and a carrot so he thinks he has something like everyone else
2) If a grazing muzzle is a good idea, how do they tend to react to them? Will he get very frustrated? Also he is grey with pink skin and if there is a rub to be got he will get one. Any ideas for the best make?
1) how careful do we need to be given he hasn't had it before. He is in at night so not eating 24 hours a day. He goes the night on one slice of hay and the grazing is fair in the field where he is. He has no hard feed. Just a handful of chaff and a carrot so he thinks he has something like everyone else
2) If a grazing muzzle is a good idea, how do they tend to react to them? Will he get very frustrated? Also he is grey with pink skin and if there is a rub to be got he will get one. Any ideas for the best make?