Great Lesson Yesterday


Well-Known Member
27 July 2006
Northern Ireland
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I've just started back lessons about 2 months ago after losing my confidence 5/6 years ago and I just want somewhere to tell people how well yesterday went! (No-one I know is really into horses).
I was riding a 16.1HH bay gelding, ex event horse but he's still only about 8/9 yo. (Ride him in most of my lessons) Started off in the indoor just working on trot and canter when my instructor said we'd go outside to try a few jumps. This was fine by me as I've started gridwork and really enjoying it. Then when we got out into the field saw it had been set up as a proper course (no more than a foot high) so I done a double a couple of times then she showed me the course and asked me to jump it! At this stage I had to admit to her that I'd never jumped a course before! Istructor said I'd be fine and to just make sure to keep a nice controlled canter. So off I went and jumped all 8 without incident! She asked me to go round it again which went just as well. The horse was an absolute star even though there were other horses watching he went round without paying attention! Instructor said she couldn't believe I'd never jumped a course as I'd done so well
So she changed it around slightly and was going round it (nearly fell off after 7th jump, landed and lost my balance!) but stayed on to finish the course. I was so pleased with myself, enjoyed it so much! Can;t wait to do more!