Theyve just gone up.
Guess who they didnt get on the XC *SOB*
3 poxy sjing pics, nothing else, bloody typical video camera stopped working too. I really wanted to see the pics of him after he went so well, HUGE SULK
Yes, clever boy made it around the PN show jumps (which weren't all that straightforward!). Decided to quit while we were ahead and withdrew before the XC.
We had a total disaster in the dressage - right at the beginning of the test (second movement) 2 small boys jumped out of the trees at the A end and gave us both a fright! Couldn't get him settled after that - very annoyed!!
Still, onwards and upwards. Next outing is MK Intro and then he can have a proper go at PN at Buckminster.
Great picture - I would buy that one! Wonder if he stayed on - looks like he might manage it!
GBs has only had two outings so far - Intro at Prestwold and PN last weekend at Gt Tew. Not exactly established at PN yet. He is going really sweetly - never says 'no' but still not always in front of my leg. Decided to quit while we were ahead last Saturday - proper outing next time.
We jumped up to fox before starting eventing and had a good sstart to the season then it all went wrong.With help from Partoow and Steven Smith[ both superstars] we are doing well again