Grey filly being naughty - what do you think of my plan?

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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So she's decided that unless I catch the yearling first, she wont be caught.

It's a right pain but if I have a headcollar with me, she wont let me near her unless I take him away. She'll then let me catch her as she likes going on walks with him.

She's far too clever for her own good.

Anyhoo, I want to nip this in the bud so I'm going to take a headcollar with me everytime I check the horses. I will then try to put it on her, give her a pat and then let her go again.

What do you think? Any other tips?

Tinsel Trouble

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bribery works for me every time! They get a treat when they are caught and one when they are released... I got fed up be being dragged around the field when I was letting them go, and chasing them round the field when I wanted to catch them.

Can you turn out in a head coller? You can get the quick release headcollers which snap if they get stuck on anything in the field.

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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She does give up straight away if I grab her rug or mane (even lightly) and she's then fine to put the headcollar on. It's just hard to get close enough to do that. If I don't have a headcollar, she's a total attention whore and you can't get rid of her (scratch me, hug me etc... etc...). She is very food orientated (sp?), so maybe I could give her a treat once the headcollar is on?

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Send her to me?

You may rue those words one day! ;)

You can buy a cheap leather foal slip which will break if caught on a fence

She has a fieldsafe headcollar, so I might put it on if she gets any naughtier.
Filly is actually three and I've had her from a weanling and she's always been fab to catch, she even went through a 'no I don't want to back in my paddock' stage as a yearling. Which was not fun at all, but I did learn that unless the circle was very small, she could still walk on her hind legs.

I think that she is laughing at me as I run in circles after her.


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8 May 2008
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Probably not very PC but when my horse decided he would try not being caught one day I just chased him, throwing clods of earth at him :eek:. I wouldn't let him rest, every time he would go to stand by his friends or eat I would chase him off again. It only took a few minutes before he was dying to let me catch him, I would chase him off and he would stand looking at me! A bit of reverse psychology lol.
I used that method with my late mare as well, worked a treat. My field isn't big though and both were TB's so quite clever and sensitive, not sure it would work with a more stubborn minded horse as they might not care about being chased.
Mine loves being caught, I never have any problems now. He catches me :).

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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She'd probably run to the top of the hill and then laugh heartily as I puffed my way up after her. :(

When I go to check them all, they see me coming and she's generally the first one at the gate waiting for me.


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17 August 2005
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Can you hide a rope or a bit of baler twine so she can't see it and then when shes being scracthed slip it round her neck? Would that let you get her to the gate where her headcollar could be stashed, or would she pull away?


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5 March 2011
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My two boys were out together, one two year old and one 16. The 16 year old thought it highly amusing to not let anyone catch the two year old - he'd see us coming, then round up the baby and chase him round the field - needless to say we couldn't catch either of them and they were so wound up! I've had to split them up unfortunately as the older boy (who should know better) was just teaching the younger one naughty tricks, and there's nothing worse than a horse that won't be caught! So baby is in with the cobs, and comes to a whistle :) Big boy is now billy no mates!

I'd say try your plan - and good luck :)


Well-Known Member
27 September 2011
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Probably not very PC but when my horse decided he would try not being caught one day I just chased him, throwing clods of earth at him :eek:. I wouldn't let him rest, every time he would go to stand by his friends or eat I would chase him off again. It only took a few minutes before he was dying to let me catch him, I would chase him off and he would stand looking at me! A bit of reverse psychology lol.
I used that method with my late mare as well, worked a treat. My field isn't big though and both were TB's so quite clever and sensitive, not sure it would work with a more stubborn minded horse as they might not care about being chased.
Mine loves being caught, I never have any problems now. He catches me :).

I have done this on many occasions with different horses! Always works in the end! Not used the soil though!
My phrase is 'You'll get fed up before me!' (as i trapse after said horse feelin knackered!)
I'm sure the people on my road thought i was mad one day when i was out in the field for an hour doing this with my mare, she was so stubborn, but i won in the end! Since then she's a dream!


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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I have done this on many occasions with different horses! Always works in the end! Not used the soil though!
My phrase is 'You'll get fed up before me!' (as i trapse after said horse feelin knackered!)

I've had success with this too, but think in a large field with other youngsters it may turn into an even better 'game' for them :rolleyes: :D


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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I second Rhino's suggestion of send her to me! :D

If not, I think your plan sounds very good. If she isn't the sort to nip I would be tempted to give her a polo once caught too, just to reinforce the message (and I never normally say treat. I think this is one of the few occasions that I think it's really worth doing though)

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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I second Rhino's suggestion of send her to me!


If she totally defeats me, you can both come and whoever lassos her first can take her! ;)

I will try cunning and polos. I'm sure that she will get bored and think of a new game soon. She has at least stopped chasing the cat out of the field (her previous favourite game).


They are in this field, it's about 5 acres of hillside so I don't think that I could keep up with her to get her to give in (I'm not fit enough :( ).

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Plus I can then have quiet life...

We once found her in the orchard (well group of fruit trees in the garden) as she'd jumped out of the field and she also has to have a weaving grid on her stable door, or she jumps out.

Gah, I'd be soooo bored without her!

*must fix catchy problem*

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Well, that was rubbish. :(

I dragged the wheelbarrow up to the field with their hay and feeds in, I had apples in my pockets as a reward for her, but I bleddy forgot the headcollar!

Training now starts tomorrow. :p