Well-Known Member
Have just read a really interesting article on laminitis in Rider magazine. So wanting to know what a pony with a 2-3 weight score looks like off I trotted (pardon the pun) to the Laminitis trust website...they are bound to have some pictures...or so I thought. Well no. In fact not a single digitized pixelated image of a neddy to be found anywhere. The BHS website fared no for those of us who are unsure of quite how much weight our beloved's are carrying (and that not including the rider and tack) are we supposed to know??????
In my experience, what one person says is over weight another will say it is ok...with the odd crazy saying you need to gain weight. And vets' opinions seem to vary as well, depending on what they spend most of their time looking at. Oh yes...and I do know it all depends on the breed...a cob will never be as slim as a TB and if a TB ever made it to looking cob-like, well it would probably be dead.