Grrr.... I really need to grow some balls !

Horseback Rider

Well-Known Member
13 September 2009
Near France
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So at 8.30 this morning I was happily riding my horse in the school before the RS leeson's started, minding my own business when another livery came in on foot announcing that she would be lunging her horse in here at 9. Fine I was only planning on doing another 10 minutes or so .

So she started moving the jumps out of the way so that she had room to lunge, I didn't mind her doing this even though my horse was getting a little agitated with jump poles and wings being chucked over the fence.

I decided to canter round large and asked him to go in to canter in the corner near where she was....."Oooh that's not very energetic " she said so I said "it's fine he just needs to stretch out a bit" , I normally canter him round large and get up off his back as this helps him to stretch out his stride and he then starts to work better.

I'm so bloody annoyed with myself for not turning round and asking her to just keep her opinions to herself!

1) I didn't ask for her feedback
2) She is a complete know it all novice and I have been taking her out hacking on her horse who is quite green as she is scared stiff of it ! for the last 3 weekends.
3) It's none of her business how my horse strikes off into canter whether it's with gusto or not.

I have just spent the rest of the day being annoyed with her comment and myself for trying to argue his case back when I should have just told her to S*d off out of the school while I was using it.

She is always making "comments" about other people on the yard and how they look after / ride their horses. I hate people like that we all spend a lot of time and money on our hobby and could do without some bloody all the gear and no idea nosy know it all commenting on stuff half the time she knows nothing about.

I wish sometimes people would remember that if they haven't got anything nice to say to just not say anything at all.

Sorry thanks for listening, I did tell OH about it but being non horsey he didn't really understand and said I shoudl have just told her to do one,


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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I'm just the same as you. I'm not bad at fighting my corner online (sometimes!) but if someone says something in real life, I either walk away or just say "...yea :("

I get similar things when I'm drawing "You've only given it 3 legs" "Where's it's ear?" "Why haven't you shaded yet?" I'M GETTING TO IT! Leave me alone ¬¬ arg.

People don't realise that things aren't done right that very second all the time! There's a horse at my yard who takes a few laps of the school to relax, loosen up and get into a rhythmic and energetic canter.


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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how rude of her to speak to you that way, its none of her blooming buisness what you are you neddie are doing. I wouldnt have answered her back either and would have spent the rest of day thinking of brilliant come backs..

Making snide comments to others probably makes her feel better about her own sad and pathetic life

Trinity Fox

Well-Known Member
12 April 2010
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I have my own place so dont really come across this would sometimes like help riding my ever growing herd but having people there usually stops me.

All my family ride and have done forever my dad has ridden in point to point and trained his own horses and is one of the best riders I know my mum has ridden since a child they had a riding school at one time.

They would never and we were taught to be the same never criticise someones riding in fact we would never even comment unless a horse was actually suffering.

A person that feels the need to do this I would firstly I would ask them not to and then I would just disregard anything the idiot said to you but do not let them spoil your riding experience again.


Well-Known Member
6 January 2012
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I think you did the right thing not to rise to it and ignore this clearly ignorant person. A piece of advice I have been given repeatedly is, "Do you value their opinion? (No) So do you care what they think of you?"