
lara b

Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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Am mad! Big hairy has had a right rough time of it over last three months, first a fetlock injury then impacted colics that turned out to be a huge abcess then a further complication, all in all a month in hospital and three months off total.

We weren't sure he would make it at times but so pleased he did and to have him home.

So after all this I was really looking forward to getting back on...well I did for the first time yesterday and he has gone from super plod to jogging snorting loon!

So today managed to round up some company and bought tube of calmer then waited hour and half for it to work only to find out they are shooting nearby which he hates! Combined with wind and rain we have postponed till tom..

No point to this really, just wanted to rant as was so looking forward to getting back on after all the worry, and now feel like its all a bit crap and my stupid nerves are kicking in!

Am really hoping he will return to normal after a few days and that the stupid weather and shooters and hunt will stay away!! Oh and also that i wasn't such a bag of nerves over everything! :-D


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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Aww - sounds like you've had a tough time, really glad he's pulled through.

He's probably just excited, and I'm sure he'll be back to normal soon.


Well-Known Member
10 June 2011
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So disappointing for you! I'm in a similar position - ponio unridden for 3 weeks and yesterday was to be first ride out, that was until the wind took over plus shooters in the next field.

If your nerves are getting a bit jangly try getting some Bach Rescue Remedy, it helps relax you. Could you try some Valerian for your horse? It's very effective and could just tide you over the initial excitement of getting back into work.

maree t

Well-Known Member
15 September 2010
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I can second rescue remedy for helping with nerves for both of you. If it is any consolation mine are stupid at the moment , my daughters pony had to come back from a hack ,only got round the corner but was just too stupid. He is an RDA pony who has won loads of PC pony prizes etc but at the mo is just plain stupid.
Dont get too disheartened the evenings are already getting lighter


Well-Known Member
10 June 2011
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You can get Rescue Remedy from Boots and Health Food Shops stock it as well. A couple of quick squirts on your tongue about an hour before you ride and another about 15 mins before you get on worked for me. I think you can squirt it on an a slice of acarrot for your horse, same thing 1 hr before ride and 15 mins before setting off.

Valerian is very effective though - you can buy Lincoln Valerian liquid from tack shops. It just takes the "silly" out of them. It's because it works so well that they have banned it from competition horses !

lara b

Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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You can get Rescue Remedy from Boots and Health Food Shops stock it as well. A couple of quick squirts on your tongue about an hour before you ride and another about 15 mins before you get on worked for me. I think you can squirt it on an a slice of acarrot for your horse, same thing 1 hr before ride and 15 mins before setting off.

Valerian is very effective though - you can buy Lincoln Valerian liquid from tack shops. It just takes the "silly" out of them. It's because it works so well that they have banned it from competition horses !

Thank you! Have picked some up from the chemist and will try it tomorrow wind allowing! Depending how he is might also grab some of the valerian, although he is normally so good so am hoping this phase will pass fast!

lara b

Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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Well today he had a calmer tube, we both had some rescue remedy and even wafted some lavender spray about for good measure..also had company, no wind and no shooting..had lovely ride!! :) only went around the village but behaviour was back to normal! Bigger test tom as extra companion and they are shooting but will repeat all other measures, so wish me luck!

lara b

Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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Failed the bigger test! didn't have the calmer but did manage to ride before shoot started..and he was a hyperactive loon again! It is like he has had a total personality transplant and my confidence is waning.. was so glad to have company today as met other horses and barking dogs that I would have been not sure I would have coped with on my own. Problem is I have to ride on own next week as back to work :-( oh says I shouldn't have a horse if am nervous..not helpful!