Too wet to hunt rockwood country tomorrow, personally I think our huntsman's horses must be made out of paper, because my boy loves the rain. fingers crossed for Saturday, I must said I'm doubtful though.
It's so wet though Rosiie, we made a right mess on Saturday and it's rained loads since then. I think this is the first time they have canceled for a genuine reason! :smirk: Unfortunately it will most probably be very wet for a while now, which makes it all the more frustrating they kept canceling for pants reasons earlier in the season!
I think it's Irish boys/girls that love the mud! :grin: Combination of huge dinner plate feet and rainy Ireland me thinks! All ours seemed to cope better than most and B&BM TC last year didn't they!
Oh god yes, although I'm hoping teamchase season will be better than last, I love your horsebox Sarah but it soon gets full of people and port when its raining!
i'm sorry your meet has been cancelled. i don't know your area or the reasons given for your cancelled meets earlier in the season, but you don't seem very considerate to your land owners.
Why isn't she being considerate to the farmers?? Rosiie is from a farming family who's land we cross regularly so I'm sure she knows all about the implications of hunting on farmers land!
I can see why it might appear that way, but they canceled one day because they were going to have to change the meet and they didn't think many people would turn up - so didn't bother! :smirk: Things like that are quite annoying when you have paid a sub!! But if that makes us arrogant then so be it...
as i put previously i don't know the reasons your meets were cancelled before, so can't comment on them.
also have noticed from previous threads, that Rosiie is from a farming family, it doesn't change the fact that you seem unsympathetic to others wishes.
we cancelled a meet because 1 out of 3 farmers whos land we were due to cross did not want us and as he farmed the largest area, we decided to respect his wishes and were later able to hunt there when our joint meet was cancelled by the other pack.
it was the way it come across.
like i said i don't know the reasons your other meets were cancelled, but as a huntsmans wife, i'm sure the decision was not taken lightly, whether you feel it to be a "pants" reason or not.
as for the meet you mentioned that could have been changed, if it was to a place you don't get many regulars to and are not likely to get money from non-subsribers, why gallop over someones land for a handfull of people, hounds are not there to provide a service anymore, the ban took care of that. money makes the world go round.
Understandable I guess, but we can only speak as we find. They complain that they don't get enough visitors, but someone (who I assume is a visitor) said on a different tread in here something along the lines of
"I like the Rockwood but every time we try to go it's canceled so we don't bother anymore."
Which I think is a bit sad. On the day they could have changed the meet it wasn't wet and is normally a popular meet.... it does seem like one excuse after another sometimes.
I love the Rockwood to bits and do not intend to bad-mouth it in any way, I understand that all the people involved work so hard to keep it afloat and it would no longer exist if it wearn't for these people.
However, whats the point in keeping my horse up over the winter if every Saturday they either cancel or have Intro day!
Ouch! I love Irish hunters and Connemaras, they don't necessarily have dinner plate feet and even those bought out of Ireland as foals have been brilliant hunters and allrounders. My current TB is a mud lover too!
No offence taken! Actually I think that smaller feet cut through the mire quicker - followed a cob recently which had mahoosive dinner plates and it seems to struggle getting up and out of the mud!
My horse has HUGE feet, has to have his shoes made from scratch, and there is no better beast to get you through the plough! Its what he was bred for after all! :grin:
Winterhorse- As Sarah has said, I am from a big farm, so yes, I am sypathetic towards land owners. My bug bear is that I have a fizzy horse, if he goes out regularly he is calm, I can't cope with missing a few weeks hunting because it blows him. When it is too wet B&BM hunt do roads and tracks, and though it sounds boring its getting the horses and hounds out, in company, and that way cap is still collected, it works just as well for the hunt as the field, I can't understand their logic, and as Sarah says, we have had decent days cancelled for no good reason.
like i said, i don't know the reasons for your other meets being cancelled so can't comment. sorry to seem rude but if you have a fizzy horse and need to go out, why not go with someone else? that way you are supporting two hunts, instead of moaning.
also i said that my OH doesn't take a decision to cancel a days hunting too lightly, but don't personally know your huntsman so can't comment.
well done to the B&BM hunt, but not everyone has roads and tracks available to them. we exercise our hounds on a military academy, where they are kennelled, so it is not easy to allow that many horses on at short notice, when cadets are trying to do exercises and we hunt MOD land on a licence, with strict rules on where and when we can use the land.
Our huntsman is relatively new, and tbh I think everyone who pays subs has been extremely good with him over the past two seasons as he has managed to get a few people's backs up.
I just feel sad, we have such beatiful hunting country, plenty of roads, tracks, we are near to the trans pennine trail and so worst comes to worst hunt could always collect a tenner off of everyone and have a nice hack, it just seems a little rubish we don't meet so often anymore, and with the pre xmas saturday meets being 1pm there isn't too much hunting to be had before dark draws in, again I think a sad loss.
I like to go out with other packs as often as I can, I love visiting and I love my hunt but sometimes I really have to bite my tongue about poor decisions. I'm sure by the sounds of your OH he has been a huntsman for a very long time, and considers field, land owner, hunt staff and hounds when he cancels, sometimes I feel ours doesn't, and its sad to see a lot of new visitors losing faith as we are forever cancelled.
As starbucks said, a couple of weeks ago they couldnt go from planned meeting place, out of respect. The meet was a childrens meet, very popular, and they had 2days notice to change the meet, but canelled as they thought not many would turn up. I had 6 people call me from pony club asking about the meet, so to me it was worse for the hunt as they lost so much money that day.
I can imagine your fustration, but as a farmer I hate it when the hunt comes when the ground is like this and poaches every bit of ground they touch! And I have known farmers stop the hunt coming over their land again as they made such a mess.
Also they have to think about the safety of everyone as not every horse likes the ground like this and it is very very slippy here, there is no grip at all :crazy: