i have a german shorthaired pointer and while he is a really lovely dog he has a ridiculous amount of energy and i would not call him a good family dog.
no matter how much exercise he gets, he never settles at home and is always ready to go, spending a lot of his time doing whirling around the house at 100mph!
My OH is gundog mad - so much so that I come 2nd (or 4th, after his 3 bitches!)
He has three labs and had a spaniel up until last december when she got poisoned and had to be pts.
He does working test and trials with the labs and they are great hunting dogs, but he says a springer spaniel is the best for hunting cover etc.
I guess it really depends on what you want to do with the dog.
PM me if you like, feel like I'm rambling!
PS. I prefer spaniels, but they need constant exercise!!!
i work on a shoot estate, and the game keepers have multiple pointers, labs and spaniels. pointers seem to be the most popular as serious pheasant work goes, but not the best pets. all the dogs live outside and are purely for work, all have so much energy and cant really comment on how good they are as pets. a true working dog in my experience, is purely for that, work, and although they are affectionate, i dont think many would be calm family pets!!
Thanks for everyones advise. and as for working dogs living inside i understand what you are saying as my husband keeps terriers and lurchers what do live out, but i also have lurcher as a pet and shes quite indoors and with children but then goes loopy out doors! i wondered if maybe they would be the same. as they are worked and then chill out when indoors? x
Hi, we have a working lab cross lurcher! he is gorgeous and was a rescue puppy! he lives in our house with 4 kids - perfect! just gallops everywhere on walks and ddecides that evreyone he sees should be jumped up at!!
with our cat!!! x
We have a Weimaraner, he has been to gun dog training but not yet been out on a shoot. He is great with our 2 children but I'm not convinced he would make a very good gun dog.
My OH loves German Shorthaired Pointers but I decided on a Weimaraner. I am now banned from making any decisions on any pets in the future
i will add that our German Shorthaired Pointer is very obedient and trainable... outside!!!
he would make a fabulous working dog but unfortunately he is not a great pet. he is good at entertaining the kids when they visit and is great at 'fetch' and dog agility etc but he simply cannot sit still inside for longer than 2 minutes... and i have heard this is a common trait in GSP's.
Most gundogs, given the right training and exercise, will make a good inside/family dog.
My Parents have 6 spaniels living inside, all of them work. They basically sleep all day when they are in the house.
The question you need to ask is, what are you wanting to do in terms of working/what type of shooting do you do?
They are all bred for a specific job (although most can do most jobs) A lab will retrieve all day, a spaniel will work cover like nothing else, a pointer can't be beaten for HPR work, etc etc.
I would say in terms of training and nature, a lab would be your best bet. But it really does depend on the work they would be doing.
She is a bit mental but I think she's a good pet. I suppose it depends what you want out of the dog really, We can't get away with not taking her for a walk or she just pesters you to death - she is very demanding!!
I'd go for a lab everytime. Great pets and excellent worker. make sure you get the working strain and not the show strain as the hips on the show can be horrendous. I know of a working gundog breeder who has a litter at the moment.
I have a pointer cross lab, he is 12 this year and he is excellent working and as a pet although he didn't settle until was 6! Also have a Lab who is actually a brill house dog/guard dog but useless out shooting, and I also have a pup off the above 2, who is 1/4 pointer 3/4 lab and she is turning out to be a star, lovely pet (she is a mummy's girl in the house and garden) but also a pretty good worker (with minimal training).
I would have a full pointer but at least I know what I am letting myself in for! :grin:
We have a lurcher, 2 springer spaniels and a Lab. The Lab is from a working background, trained to the whistle and a beautiful looking dog. In the house he is the perfect pet, very gentle and polite.
However, outside he is the slyest, dog I have ever had. As soon as you take your eye of him for a second he is off. You can whistle till you are blue in the face and he does not give a sh*t!.
He'll come back (sometimes after 6 hours) and be sweetness and light. As if he's saying "Who me? Were you calling me?"
He thinks humans are only on this earth to put on the coal fire, open tins of dog food and drive the car.
He is a GIT!
I would say you could have him but my husband would divorce me!
Spaniels are great but do need lots of exercise. Lurchers are great pets, very quiet in the house but go loopy outside on walks. Yet totally trainable and generally lovely dogs.
Our ram got out this morning, about 9.30am. As he was heading towards the road he got my full attention. BIG MISTAKE! The Lab saw that I was distracted by the ram, even though it was only 5 mins and went off.
Only came back about 3pm as it started to snow! But Hey, after a hard days rabbiting even a Lab needs the coal fire.
Meanwhile my lurcher and springer spaniels have been for a walk, done the horses, fed the sheep, been out for a run in the car etc
Labs are selfish dogs. He's not the first one we've had and they only think of themselves and their stomachs and don't give two hoots about people.
So, now he's home, if anyone would like a black lab please PM me! But be warned, his ears are just painted on - they certainly don't work!