Hacking and areas advice wanted in Brinkworth North Wiltshire


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21 July 2015
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My partner and i are currently looking to buy a property in the Brinkworth area of North Wiltshire. We are looking to have a small yard of around 8-10 stables, all weather arena, walker, gallops etc, all of which we will build ourselves. But we don't know the area too well and wanted to know two things:
1. What is the hacking like in this area. In particular around the Callow Hill areas - both bridleway access and also space to gallop train....as i event.
2. Is there much demand for good quality part and full livery in this area? We would only have about 6 vacancies, but perfect for those who want 121 bespoke care and no drama from a large livery yard.
Many thanks in advance for the advice on the area.

Lanky Loll

Well-Known Member
23 June 2009
Wilts/Glos border
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I've not hacked out that way for a while but you have good access to Somerford Common which is Forestry Commission woodland and that used to have loads of bridleways but is wet in winter. There used to be excellent field hacking around there as well.
Gallops wise.... can't think of any bridleways that were particularly gallop friendly off the top of my head, but there are a couple of all weathers nearby which can be hired, and you're not far from Cirencester Park which you can box to and at least have a good leg stretch in (you're not SUPPOSED to gallop in the park.... but you'd be amazed how many people suffer break failure once in there).
Most of the livery yards in the area are busy / full so if you're offering good quality I should think you won't have a problem filling boxes.
If you're thinking of buying enough land to have your own gallops then it's a good area to do that in, as you've got some decent hills - assuming you can buy the right ground IYSWIM.


New User
21 July 2015
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Amazing - thank you. i can see the bridle path which takes you up to the common and the woodland so i think the property we are looking at is in a great location. Eventually we will get our own gallops put in and the land is on a gradient, which is great...not sure sure we will be able to budget for them from day one.
Thanks again for the information...really helpful

Lanky Loll

Well-Known Member
23 June 2009
Wilts/Glos border
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No problem - the only slightly hairy bit of hacking out would be crossing the B4042 which is fairly busy but not mad. Wood Lane is quiet but people do tend to speed down it.