Well-Known Member
I've had my horse 3 months - she was very nervous when I got her, dropped weight, and spooked majorly (I can sit a small/normal spook but not a 0-60 gallop downhill) and had me off twice out hacking. Since then I've had everything checked (teeth/back/tack - her teeth and back both needed work but are sorted now) and have been working with her on the ground and in the school. I trust her completely in the school - we canter, jump, she's 100%, and she enjoys herself. I have riding lessons twice a week and have improved an awful lot myself. On the ground, she can still be quite spooky - not helped by the fact I accidentally electrocuted both of us on a dodgy gate last week, now she rushes through them - but I can manage her. She's a stressy horse generally and is happiest within her comfort zone. But I want to take her hacking and to a show - we're good enough to do a prelim dressage test but I have a feeling she won't be good to load and a showground may blow her mind! I also want to take her hacking but having hurt myself quite badly coming off on the road when she spooked the first time, then her taking herself off home a couple of miles(!! all offroad luckily) the second, I have a total bugbear about doing it again. I am not mad about hacking anyway, I prefer schooling, but would at least like the option! Any advice for getting over this - my plan is to take my riding instructor with me hacking, but I would like to hear from others who've been through similar how they got over it!