Hacking to meets - how far?


Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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Think this has been done before but just interested as to people's opinions. I find a lot of people are surprised at how far I hack (But as a child I read all the pullein-thompson books etc where they hacked for miles and hours on end to shows!).

What do people think of 9 miles to the meet (thinking of doing this on saturday), leave at friends yard where meet is overnight and ride back the next day?

I hacked 5 miles to a cubbing meet a few weeks ago (in the dark!) easy peasy, hacked 6 and a half to a lesson and back again today. That took an hour and a half in walk with two trots. Pony was as fresh as anything by the end and just had a little bit of sweat under girth (and isn't clipped at all). He seems very fit, I usually hack for a min. 1 hour a day, with a complete variety of work - Walking, trotting, cantering, gallop work, hills etc
Doesn't seem like it would be too much more on Saturday, with a nice slow walk and meet not until 2pm so lot of time? And is only cubbing so shouldn't be too much work when we get there?

Will try and scavenge a lift back if possible once I'm there, but if not he can lodge overnight then take it slow on sunday.

What do people think?


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5 January 2009
Somewhere snowy in winter, lovely in summer
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If your pony is fit and up to the work, why not. Good on you for having the enthusiasm and determination.
I once hacked a 15hh about 7 miles to a hunt meet. Good job I did, as when she arrived in the yard and saw all the other horses plus HOUNDS she froze, shook, and heart was pounding. If I'd boxed her over I would definitely have been splatted before we even set off.
I did manage to scrounge a lift home though.


Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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ahh good to know! Have to say, the three times I've been out so far I've got a lift back everytime!
Definitely helps with the control factor as well!
Pony was likened to a duracell battery today in lesson, don't think he "does" tired :)


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5 October 2006
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Max I've hacked is just over 14 miles! He was very fit though ;) Currently I tend to think of 8 max during the main season but part of that is due to light restrictions hacking home and the fact my mare isn't as fit as she would have been previously due to my working hours.


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14 November 2007
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if your pony is that fit already then that should be no problem! OH doesn't drive the trailer yet, so he hacks to meets if I can't take him. The furthest he's hacked is about 8 miles each way, including a couple of steep hills, and some trotting (mostly to keep both of them warm!). The first time he did it he didn't know there was a bridleway gate another 200yds up the fenceline so jumped a 5 bar gate to get into the forestry to pick up the bridleway! :eek: I had told him but he reckons he "didn't press save":rollseyes:

I have hacked 12 miles home in the past, but that was mostly roadwork.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2009
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the hack there sound s fine, but i would ensure transport back or overnight stay!!! it is dark by 7 15.have a nice day. so lovely to ead about horses and owners that hack about and do things. i did in my childhood thought nothing of riding 15 miles to a show! but just watch the dark as it is creeping in hence the winter coats on the horses


Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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going to go for it then!
Have a field to put him out in (heavily rugged up, poor little po!) if don't manage to scavenge a lift.
Very worried will get lost on the way there as have never ridden out that way before but even if don't make it to the hunt, at least I'll have had an adventure :D
thank you for the positive replies!