Had my first Lesson - Report!!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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Hello Guys....

I had my first lesson on Bonnie last night - flatwork...and she was a star!

Basically, she's been with me just over a week now, and we've done a bit of everything together, hacking, schooling, jumping and cantering on teh gallops - all of it has been OK, apart from she's very strong / resistant in trot.

Trainer first asks to see all paces without her saying anything so she guages the horse and how i'm riding...

so - firstly in walk she notices that she shortens in a contact, so homework is to ride more from leg and less hands, she's slightly over bent and weak behind so needs to relax in front and walk on. good hting is she does track up nicely and has a naturally strong walk.

Trot - bigger issues here, as she leans alot and gets quite worried and goes against hand. worked again on more leg, less hands, and we did some leg yeilds as transition down not so good - lots of homework there!

Canter - the best i think.... problem is i ride with a forward seat so apparently in that 'grey area' where i'm not out of hte saddle, nor sitting deep. so homework is to sit up straight and again, off the leg. this is hte best gait though although she's weaker on the left rein as her right hind is hte least strong. she also falls slightly out through right shoulder so homework in canter too!!!

over all - a great lesson - trainer impressed with horse, and how i rode her. very trainable she says... lots of development of muscles needed but basically a good neddy to have!!

very pleased - no pics as mate only did video which i'm a bit p*ssed at. soz!!



Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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Thats good news, im really pleased for you.

Get on with that homework and she will improve in no time!!