hair loss/ skin problem (also posted in vet)


Well-Known Member
20 September 2010
south wales
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Will try and cut a long story short..have a cob mare that was itchy & rubbing her mane in the summer, washed her mane, neck with tee tree shampoo to soothe the itching & called vet, by the time the vet came a few days later she had lost great big patches of hair all down her neck, it was almost like rainscald where patches of hair were coming out but on a bigger scale to the point where her neck was more bald than not, skin underneath not sore but dry & flaky like dandruff.
Anyway, when vet came she said it looked like an allergic reaction, possibly to the t tree shampoo, checked for lice, ringworm etc, nothing found. Washed the area with medicated shampoo & all hair grew back.
Introduced micronised linseed to her feed to try and help the dry skin & used biteback spray on her mane for the rest of the summer which mostly stopped her rubbing.
Fast forward to this week & we have the weird hair loss thing on her neck all over again! Am wondering if it's either a build up of something thats causing an allergic reaction or some sort of skin condition like psoriasis...Havent used t tree or any other shampoo on her, nothing has changed in her feed or routine, so am really stumped as to what could be causing it? She only gets hoofkind chaff, half scoop sugarbeet, micronised linseed & couple of carrots once a day & haylage, vet coming again next week but wondered if anyone else had experience of this or any idea what could be causing it? Thanks & sorry for the essay :D