Hannah had the dentist...


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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The new dentist came tonight and as usual Han pratted up for he first five minutes, sweating up and snorting when a file came near her. Anyway, she settled after a while...

The dental technician said she has some ulceration at the back of her mouth and near the bit on the left hand side caused by sharp teeth. They were definitely ready for doing!

He spent around an hour and a quarter filing her teeth and then showed me the before and after with a torch and had me feeling inside her mouth. It was really interesting... I didn't know the teeth went up so far.

He also said he thought her age was wrong (gulp!) and in fact she is younger than we thought. I have been led to believe she is 11 or 12 this year when actually he said she is more 9 rising 10 or even 8 rising 9! That means when I bought her five years ago she was only 4 or 5, when I was told she was 6 rising 7...

All in all I was really pleased with the amount of attention he gave her, how he explained everything to me and how knowledgeable he was.



Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
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Ooh, sounds like things went well! I'm so glad that they did!


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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I would take the age thing with a grain of salt. No one really would lie about a horse being older than it is, and we all know that horses teeth appear differently depending on feed, genetics, habits, etc.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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I know the dealer Hannah came from would have a reason for saying she was older than she was... He sold her to novice (who I bought her from) and told her she had done dressage in Ireland and done a lot of competing. Then when I phoned him (someone I knew used to work with him so started with that) and he said, "Well, seeing as you know Barbara I am sure she has told you quite a bit about what we do here. Your horse was brought over unbroken having just weaned a foal..." There is no way Eve would have bought a recently backed 4 year old!

He is renowned for it unfortunately


Well-Known Member
22 August 2006
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You have my sympathies, with regards to buying a horse that was actually younger than you thought. My parents and knowledgable advisor did the same for me, when I was 11. The horse was sold as 6 rising 7 and when I thought he was 12, he had his teeth done for the first time. He was infact 9, yes nine years old. Therefore I had been let loose on a 3yr old at the age of 11 as a first time horse owner. It explained an awful lot of the 'moments' we had together in our early years together! He is now 21 and the apple of my eye!


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Yes, Hannah's 'real' age is much more realistic than what I thought... It also explains a hell of a lot! But I wouldn't change her for the world.

There is no way I would have bought a four or five year old as my first horse, I thought 6 rising 7 was a bit daunting! So if the dealer had been truthful, I wouldn't have her now!