Hard lump on crest


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11 March 2021
East Sussex
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I have a 3YO Dutch mare with what I’d describe as moderate to severe sweet itch.

I was rubbing a topical solution into her mane just now and noticed a hard lump on the top of her crest. It probably feels bigger than it is, but I’d hazard a guess it’s about 3 - 4cm diameter - and is under the skin.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this just a reaction / thickening further to excessive rubbing? Unfortunately there was no one around to hold her whilst I stood on something to take a closer look (I’m a short arse and she isn’t that keen on me prodding it).

I am doing everything I can to try and keep the itch at bay. She’s in a rug 24/7, stabled at night, has Biteback applied to her mane and tail every day and Switch once a week. She also has a Nicotinamide supplement daily.

I don’t mind calling the vet, but thought I’d ask on here first.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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With mine with bad sweet itch I found that if he found something to rub on (I did my best to be sure he didn't) he would swell up in hot lump where he had been rubbing. It usually went down after a few days if he didn't rub again.