hard lump on horse's chest


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24 October 2017
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Hello- My golden oldie has developed a hard lump on his chest. It is about the size and shape of a large egg, is definitely attached to his pec muscle, but can almost get my hand around it. Its quite hard and doesn't cause him much discomfort when I feel it. He had his flu vaccination about 3 weeks ago in this area, and I am wondering if it is related. He has had some odd reactions after a vaccine- Once he got a sweat patch for about a week on his neck at the site.

As it isn't giving him much grief I am observing it for a couple of days. He's off work anyway due to his ever growing list of self harm injuries. Hoping its a seroma or haematoma and nothing too nasty. Has anyone come across one of these before?


Well-Known Member
29 June 2016
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kids pony managed to give himself a haematoma in the field in the middle of his chest which then calcified and went cold and hard.

vet gave me a tiny tube of cream (£200!) which thins the blood and thus dissolved it over about 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
2 May 2007
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Big coincidence if horse's had a flu jag there v recently. I've certainly had this happen after flu, my horse developed the lump in a couple of days tho, and it was more like small rugby ball sized initially, horse was struggling to eat off the ground and was very stiff in front, he got antihistamines/antiinflamms. plus vets claimed back the costs from the vaccine producers. He was 100% in a couple of weeks.


New User
24 October 2017
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Got the vet coming tomorrow as its no smaller (yard manager says possibly bigger and changed texture). Fingers crossed it's just a flu vacc reaction but would rather put my mind at rest.