Hard lumps on back


Well-Known Member
23 July 2005
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Has anyone had experience of hard lumps on their horses back. My heavy cob has 4 hard lumps on her back round about the middle. The vet said they were probably a reaction to a scratch or fly bites at the end of the summer. They do not hurt her and she does not object to be tacked up or anything like that. They are really hard they dont scab or weep. Vet says just keep shampooing with antibacterial shampoo every third day. It is really weird you cant see them only feel them, it is like a lot of dead cells. I have prodded and squeezed but there does not appear to be any pain or itch what so ever. Greatfull for any advice.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2006
from my PC
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My mare had hard small lumps come up under saddle area last late autumn. they did start to hurt her when ridden. vet said they were blocked sweat pores. It was a question of them going on their own accord, clip hair away, wash with warm hibiscrub and not ride til gone (took a few weeks and riding only aggrivated them to stay). One did burst from slight infection. But they were only small bumps. I dont know if the same thing with you. they can get them anywhere on body, only noticed these as was under saddle and mare showed discomfort. They haven't returned to saddle area since.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
My horse has some which came up at the begining of summer, they were the size of a half grape, or 10p. The vet said they were some sort of collagen (sp) build up, it has a posh name which sounds like collagen, and that i shouldn't worry about them as they were painless. The vet said they often change or go with the seasons, and now mine seem to have moved a bit and sort of 'split', so i have more smaller ones. They have a tiny scab on the top if i pick them, which they didn't have originaly, but he is still not bothered by them, and the vet has seen them again and given them an all clear.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2005
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The lumps sound like the ones your horse has they started of the size of a pea and are now about a 10p size and have broken up. My vet did not seem concerned about them as there is no pain or bleeding. My horse does not appear any the worse for them so i will just leave well alone. I have clipped round about them to have a look i will hibi scrub after exercise and see what happens.