Has anyone given chicks to a broody hen?


Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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I want more hens and have a broody one at the moment. I don't want to give her fertile eggs because I'm too soft to deal with any cockerels that hatch. I'd like to find some newly-hatched sexed chicks to give her instead. From what I can find online, most people seem to slip the chicks in at night, but I read one article that said to introduce them during the day to avoid problems of rejection. Has anyone managed to do this and what method did you use?


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Problem is that unless the person sexing them is 100% all of the time (hard to be at such a very young age) you could still end up with a cockerel or more. A friend got 5 new chicks all hens from a good poultry person and ended up with 2 cockerels anyway, the breeder took those back and swapped for two older hens.

I don't know too much about the introduction part but having had a broody hen i would assume you would be best ticking your hand under her with the new chick hidden at sort of early morning before they are really starting to waken for the day but not so soon before that the chick is sitting without any food/water long...so say 4-5AM?

Leo Walker

Well-Known Member
19 July 2013
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You can get auto sexing chicks equi so if you are happy with those breeds you can guarantee 100% hens. Just wait till its dark and slip them under. Make sure you get them right underneath. Chicks can go 48 hours from hatch without food or water so thats not an issue. With first timers I come back first thing in the morning before they get up and check on them so I can intervene if there is an issue.

I've only had an issue once and I knew straight away it wasnt going to work, so I whipped them out and shes never been allowed to sit again. Just make sure you have a back up plan in case it doesnt work.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2010
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I've done it successfully once at night with two chicks. One at a time. I wouldn't try in the day time. I waited around long enough till I knew the hen had settled.


Well-Known Member
7 March 2011
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I have just successfully introduced 2 chicks to a bantam. I knew she was a good mum and through no fault of hers had sat on 2 failed clutches. This was daytime and she initially looked a bit suspicious but was fine within an hour or so,