Has he gone a roving?


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Has JM gone a roving to other lands?

Hello Rosie, I am out and about but have been very busy. First time I have been on the forum for ages.

Concerned about the situation in the Middle East, price of oil, price of grain and where it's all going to lead.

It's really is nice to know you thought of me. How very kind.
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14 November 2007
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surely you've had some time for hunting JM? the situation in the middle east doesn't change that quickly - let's face it, it has largely been in a state of weathly ignorance (especially countries like Oman) since oil was discovered!


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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surely you've had some time for hunting JM?

Sadly not, it is a matter of, shall we say, there is a time when experience has to be brought to the table.

So it is on with the good old City suiting, off with the ‘correct hunting attire’ and hands on in the market place.

We are on the edge of a dire economic catastrophe, that’s assuming we have not already gone over the edge, with an inevitable hike in interests rates, a rise in inflation and a thundering crash in property prices, in particular land - why, because, land has been artificially over valued due to high subsidies which are being withdrawn.

Plus a very chill economic wind blowing from the Americas.

On top of all that is the Middle East issue which is pushing oil to extraordinary levels. Levels that simply cannot be sustained without serious belt tightening.

Libdem policy on agriculture is for small scale (relative to the UK) French style, it is Libdem policy that is now being enacted by DEFRA.

People are still having difficulty in adjusting to the fact we have neither a Conservative or Labour government in power.

Fundamentally we have a Libdem government who are calling the shots.

I can guarantee that at every single hunt committee meeting as the season closes, the price of diesel will be high on the agenda as a major expense to be addressed for next season.

Folk will just have to hack onto the meet and then hack home again. At least their horses will be properly fit!
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Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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How strange..we all thought you were a simple farmer ,what with all the stuff about the right to ride etc..now you`re a city slicker..heyho..simple little me will just keep on shoveling ....:D


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4 September 2010
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People are still having difficulty in adjusting to the fact we have neither a Conservative or Labour government in power. Fundamentally we have a Libdem government who are calling the shots. QUOTE said:
It is sometimes rather rewarding to read your posts as at least, unlike some, they tend to be in rather good grammatical order, but as to the above point..............snore.... perhaps another reason I have not checked into this forum lately

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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Sadly not, it is a matter of, shall we say, there is a time when experience has to be brought to the table.

So it is on with the good old City suiting, off with the ‘correct hunting attire’ and hands on in the market place.

We are on the edge of a dire economic catastrophe, that’s assuming we have not already gone over the edge, with an inevitable hike in interests rates, a rise in inflation and a thundering crash in property prices, in particular land - why, because, land has been artificially over valued due to high subsidies which are being withdrawn.

Plus a very chill economic wind blowing from the Americas.

On top of all that is the Middle East issue which is pushing oil to extraordinary levels. Levels that simply cannot be sustained without serious belt tightening.

Libdem policy on agriculture is for small scale (relative to the UK) French style, it is Libdem policy that is now being enacted by DEFRA.

People are still having difficulty in adjusting to the fact we have neither a Conservative or Labour government in power.

Fundamentally we have a Libdem government who are calling the shots.

I can guarantee that at every single hunt committee meeting as the season closes, the price of diesel will be high on the agenda as a major expense to be addressed for next season.

Folk will just have to hack onto the meet and then hack home again. At least their horses will be properly fit!

A good post JM, and for the first time, in many years, I worry for the future of my children.

It seems to me, that the machine which would direct us, seems to be oblivious to our needs. I sometimes wonder if the supreme autocracy, wouldn't be better driven, by anarchy.

Little to do with hunting, I accept!! :D



Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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Whatever..there`s little thee and me can do about it...so nose to the grindstone and just get on with it.:mad:

Well put EK - we have already been having a winge and worry about it all.

I agree though that house prices are going to crash. Its really very simple there is not enough money available to buy them! Loose your first time buyers and pooft it all goes up in smoke. We have lost our first time buyers, they simply do not have the money unless they beg borrow and steal from older family members.

It saddens me that so little thought is put into how fuel price rises will affect us all. This is a country that operates via its road infrastructure. Loose that and you loose everything. It will affect everything from a pint of milk, to heating, to building works.

For many the belt is already as tight as it can go - push it any further and we will have serious problems. It will not just be babies in third world countries that are dying of starvation. Life will go on as it has to but the consequences of the current actions will have far reaching effects on our society. Those who have brain power will stop breeding as they do not want their future off spring to suffer from lack of anything while those who are a bit dim will continue to breed indescriminatly and we will be left with a generation or two of stupidity. This means no doctors, no stock brokers, lawyers, engineers etc. We will end up having to import them from other countries to keep going. Society as we all know it is going to change dramatically in the next 10 years. I can't see it being for the good. I think the apropriate phrase is "devolution".

Someone take this soap box away quick!


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8 November 2009
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ooh, dangerous stuff paddy! didn't a conservative mp get kicked out recently for using the words "poor" and "breeding" in the same sentence!

My dh has an armageddon theory. That soon most of us won't be able to afford fuel. We will have to work locally, or via the internet as we won't be able to commute and we won't be able to afford to transport goods all over the country. We certainly won't be able to fly off on holiday! I am seriously going to look into solar power on the roof, and I'm tempted to look into wood buring heating systems, and renting an acre or two to grow biomass fuel on! I think we will all adjust, as it probably won't happen very suddenly, but life could be quite different in 20/30 years.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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All this because Rosie was worried about my whereabouts.

I just love the way you manage to get it all going Rosie and hey, don't you dare fall out with the FC again.

The whole forum went right down hill, whilst you were in the penalty box.

You are the most excellent agent provocature:)

Whilst we on the subject of 'whereabouts'.

What has happened to Simsar?

Paddy I blieve you are the informant there?

'Bout time we had some fun on this forum, now I am on box rest (in the office) until next season, I dare say we can all generate a leading comment or two.
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Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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Yes ..where is dear Simsar?? And ,treading slightly tiptoe so as not to awaken TFC can we not still have some fun and banter ? It`s been bloody dull hereabouts for quite a while, com`on who shall we insult as a starter? Ah yes..how about Prince Andrew..he `s today`s whipping boy in the Daily Wail.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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Neither he or his ex were ever exactly cerebral were they? Lordy knows what his parents think of all this..was`nt he the favourite child? Oh Dear :eek:


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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All this because Rosie was worried about my whereabouts.

I just love the way you manage to get it all going Rosie and hey, don't you dare fall out with the FC again.

The whole forum went right down hill, whilst you were in the penalty box.

You are the most excellent agent provocature[

Steady on..that is a very chic brand of ladies under garments Old Boy:D:D


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7 October 2004
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...and here comes the raving greenie working for the Dept of Ag to dump her 2 cents in... ;)

Society as it works at the moment based on consumerism and a 'growth' economy can't last. There are not the resources to support it, and technology isn't advancing fast enough, and probably never will, fill the gaps.

Reliance on road networks for the transport of goods in unsustainable. Govenrments should be focusing on rail networks - more expensive to put in but realatively cheap to maintain. One train can carry the load of several trucks and often faster, at lower cost, and with a lower carbon foot print.

Food prices will have to rise. If farmers are to survive out side the highly subsidised EU they will have to paid the real cost of producing meat/fruit. You can't expect farmers to look after the environment and keep producing when, for example it cost $80 to raise a lamb and they get $82/head, and thats top dollar. Food prices today are ridiculously low now compared to the 50's before subsides were widely introduced.

But to be honest it all boils down to over population. More people asking to be fed that we can produce food and even with GM there is no 'Green Revolution II' waiting just over the horizon...
Garret Hardin wrote and excellent article called 'Life Boat Ethics' well worth a read: http://www.garretthardinsociety.org/articles/art_lifeboat_ethics_case_against_helping_poor.html

Sorry to hear that no hunting is to be had JM hope the box rest isn't too bad and they give you a mirror and treats to keep you happy.

Rosie there are far worse things to be infamous for ;)


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Thank you Felicity in New South Wales Australia.

It's 'all hands to the pump'

All our UK compatriots might like to focus on their Gas Guzzling 4 x 4's and lorries coupled to 80% Government Tax on fuel, with Brent Crude Oil having touched $115.80 per barrel earlier this morning and now trading at $115.25 PB as I write. :(


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Rosie, I don't think that you really thought that stirring me up would bring this forum into the Oil Market?

No sooner had I posted a figure of $115.30 for Brent Crude, than it leapt to $117.30.

Bullishly followed by Crude in New York at $102.00

This is serious stuff, if it keeps rising, no way the knock on can be sustained by UK agriculture and hunts are really going to think about the rising costs.
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rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
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Rosie, I don't think that you really thought that stirring me up would bring this forum into the Oil Market?

No sooner had I posted a figure of $115.30 for Brent Crude, than it leapt to $117.30.

Bullishly followed by Crude in New York at $102.00

This is serious stuff, if it keeps rising, no way the knock on can be sustained by UK agriculture and hunts are really going to think about the rising costs.

Just have to walk further as in days gone by-