Have you been in a road accident whilst riding?

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3 April 2003
South East
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I wondered how many of you have had a traffic accident whilst riding on the roads and whether it affected your attitude to riding on the roads.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2006
I was in a very minor RTA with an old horse where a taxi clipped his hind legs. There was very little damage done (with exception of the fact that the bloke I was out riding with tried to drag the driver through the window of his car). Never the less it shook me up really badly.

Few months later, a girl at the livery yard I was at was killed whilst hacking out. She was only 15, she hacked out a lot and the horse could be described as sensible. It was absolutly heart breaking when that happened and I took the decision to stop hacking out on the roads. The BHS safety advisor issued the following statement to a few sites about it


While I agree with what others will say in that riders have a "right" to use the roads, I think they are far too busy these days and I dont think the risk is worth taking.


Well-Known Member
12 November 2003
East Sussex
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I've had a couple of near misses, including one where a passing car sped past so close he clipped my stirrup with his wing-mirror.

As you know, the lanes around me are pretty narrow and relatively quiet but it doesn't stop people using them like a racetrack. I take the stance that everything in life holds danger and try and minimise the risks as much as possible.


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16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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Snap amymay!

I had a close shave with a boy racer coming round a blind corner with a dip one day, he was going far too fast, he slammed all on and slid across the road missed me by a couple of metres, thankfully my horse didnt do anything and the driver looked very shocked.

I shouted at him to slow down in future and he drove off steady - lesson learnt methinks!!

I am terrified of anything happening on the roads as our country roads are bad and getting worse. Thats why i bought a traffic safe horse and am in the process of investing in flourescents!!

BTW my dad summed it up last night was talking about these 2 particular men both of whom we know as a family who drive for the same milk company you know those milk tankers.

Both times they have passed us on roads so thin they are the only thing that can fit down we have pulled in to a gate hole and both times the dirvers have driven so fast they almost took reds bum off on his way in to the gate, i was wearing flourescents, the days were bright and sunny and i asked for them to slow down with my arm.

One of them said to my dad he thought he may have upset me the other day with his driving but dad said dont mention anything to him or he will do it all the more - they think they own the road given their size.

Whats this world coming to?

I have to say 95% of smaller vehicles are very curteus and i always say thank you



Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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When I was alot younger horse spooked, reared over backwards onto car bonnet and deposited me under car wheels. Luckily was unhurt, and driver was going slowly, otherwise would have been RIP.

Also had a minor brush when horse napped down narrow road and sat on car. Luckily both unhurt. Car driver not impressed by horse shaped imprint on car though!!

Neither has changed attitude to riding on road. Take all possible precautions as it is, and both my horses have been very carefully bomb proofed before being ridden on roads.

Its a risky business taking an animal on a road with cars, they just dont mix, but unfortunately its a risk most people have to take. All you can do is minimise it.


Well-Known Member
10 October 2005
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Yes, I have been in a road accident. The horse I was riding was killed, and I had two broken vertebra, a shattered wrist and a broken cheekbone.
I have completely lost confidence hacking out. I will do, but not on my horse who lacks confidence himself. It's sad for us both, but there it is. I am too old now to take the risk.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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Going back many years ago not me but friend I was hacking out with. Her young horse spooked into a milk tanker. Made a right mess (not going into details) She died instantly but had to wait for horse to be PTS at scene. Was an accident rather than anyones fault. Driver had slowed down it was a narrow country lane put that didn't add to it. But I will always ride out in spurs & with a whip so that horse listens to me no matter what. When I want it to listen i want it to listen & do as told.
People have accidents every day & you just have to try & accept it & move on. Just like people in car crashes that go onto drive again.


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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thank fully I haven't - have been bolted with down a main road though - I just thank god the road was quite that particular day.

Always ride with a schooling whip on the road due to my boy being blind on the road side.....


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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Ive had a few near misses with idiot drivers going to fast, and also with a police car. my yard is on a small narrow lane but i can also cut through as a short cut to the main bournemouth to salisbury road - a police car came hooning along once, all sirens going - bloss heard it and immediately started to panic, as did i as could hear how fast it was coming - he slammed on his brakes (id pulled in as close to the hedge as possible) but the noise of the breaks made bloss go nuts and she reared and tried to dump me, luckily i stayed on and the policeman got out an apologised and checked we were both ok.


Well-Known Member
6 October 2006
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My friend had brought her TB x mare back into riding again after a personal problem. She wasnt half the horse she used to be and she was petrified to ride her.

For the life of us we couldnt get her into the box to move her from the yard to one 2 miles away. So i come up with the bright idea of riding her over as she was very good on the road and the road was always quiet.

Set off and all was going well, until this A*****e came speeding around the corner, seen me at the last minute, slammed his brakes on and the car went sideways, coming right at me. I honestly thought I was a goner, it stopped with inches to spare. I couldnt stop crying and shaking, and the driver had a nerve in getting out of the car and giving ME a mouthful!!!

Needless to say, i remembered his reg and reported him for dangerous driving.


Well-Known Member
6 October 2006
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Also when i moved two horses into a field a mile up the road from the yard, hubby came and collected me in the car, he parked the car way in towards the hedge so only the wheels etc were on the road (is dead quiet).

Came over to me at the gate to watch the horses carrying on. Now the field is on a very long stretch of road, no corner for 2-3 miles.

Well a young guy in a saxo and a middle aged guy in a mercedes, were coming towards each other, the guy in the mercedes was on the side of the road that our car was at, so was to give way to the guy in the saxo. However he never and pulled out.

Hubby and me had to vault into the hedge as the saxo went through the gate into the horses field!!!! Guy in the mercedes drove off.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2003
South East
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I had a bad accident about 15 years ago. Was riding someone else's horse on a country lane when horse spooked - overtaking car was too close and horse ended up on car bonnet, throwing me on to her neck. The horse then veered across the lane and crushed me against a brick gatepost, breaking my ribs in the process
. Unfortunately it was during an ambulance strike and I had to lie in the road for an hour before an ambulance came out. Luckily the horse was unhurt.

Up until that time I had been unfazed about riding on the roads but the accident changed my attitude entirely. My old horse had just been retired so I all I had to ride was a freshly backed youngster which really didn't help. I found myself doing more and more work in the school and only hacking out if there was someone to hack with.

However, when I moved down here and kept my horses at home I had no choice but to tackle the problem. I was lucky to have the opportunity to ride a couple of safish cobs for friends which helped a lot, and eventually progressed to riding my youngster out on the roads. I'm pretty relaxed about it now, but we are lucky to have mostly quiet lanes with wide verges and lots of off-road hacking. I also take all wise precautions such as hi viz gear and avoiding the rat runs during rush hour.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2005
Two very close shaves, but thankfully no accident.

When I was younger my horse kicked a car who was too close to his back legs. (Serves him bloody right if he was within kicking distance!) He'd driven right up the back of us and honked his horn.

Another time when I was riding out with marmite. Long wide stretch of road and a caravan came hurtling past and was so close it nearly brushed past me and clipped my legs. Was doing at least 50. J didn't bat an eyelid though.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2006
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I've been in two minor accidents - horse swung his bum into middle of road as car was trying to squeeze past us and queuing traffic. Only damage was to the car bonnet (and insurance premium!)

I put it changed my attitude, as I still do lots of riding on roads, but I didn't always wear my fluorescent gear in daylight, and since then always have worn it regardless. I'm a lot more defensive riding on the road now, and frequently go two-abreast in heavy traffic to help slow drivers down in problem areas.


Well-Known Member
6 October 2006
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Unfortunately I was involved in an accident whilst hacking out with a friend, her horse spooked and swung its quaters into the road was hit by a minibus taxi and her poor horse was killed instantly, my friend shattered her collarbone and shoulder and was away from work for months. She was devastated by the loss of her horse although she owned another and has continued riding. Luckily I was riding infront at the time and my ride just shot forward at the noise, in the aftermath I simply fell to pieces and complete strangers boxed my horse home and rang my family. We both still hack out but I'm super nervous if I don't know the horse and wear so much hi viz I'd give the mounted police a run for their money.


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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When I was younger my horse kicked a car who was too close to his back legs.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've always wanted to teach a horse to do that - just a quick kick out - enough to dent a wing but not injure a horse!


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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I put other as although I haven't been involved I know of two people who have ended up on the floor.

One was on her own horse and another was someone I worked with - was taking out a hack

Attitude wise - I hack on the roads as where the yard is - you've either got to do country lanes or cross a main road to get to the off-road hacks. We're lucky that the country lanes arn't that bad, it's a very horsey area and 9 times out 10, people slow down for us. After work colleague came off I was a bit like ahhhh scary but I had to hack out about 2hrs later, that was my job and I was being paid to do it. Reason she came off was horse spooked and slipped as a cyclist appeared out from a hedge

My friend was a freak accident - horse for some reason planted in middle of road and from what I remember (was a couple of years ago) she wasn;t seen until the last minute and horse was unfortunately PTS there and then


1 February 2005
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I've had a couple of falls on the roads over the years, one when I was much younger when I fractured my skull, but they've all been due to the pony tripping, or slipping over.

I don't ride on the roads much now, as our once quiet lane, (with not pavements, just ditches), is now a short cut and there are too many lorry and unhorsey drivers on the road, who just don't slow down.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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A friend's pony jumped in front of a car and had a head-on collision whilst we were hacking. The pony had fatal injuries but the person was ok despite being thrown in the air.
I am much more cautious on the roads now and people that don't slow down or come to close really worry me.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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Yes, a horse I was out with started going fruit loop, tried to kick the horse I was on, double barrelled it but caught me instead, broke my leg and the horse I was on of course bolted, over a bridge towards an oncoming car, somehow managed to stop her, she was strong, and the car we ran into had to take me back to the yard.

Then went to hosp and sat for 3 hours in A & E while they did naff all!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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No , I havent but only because my yard is almost all off road hacking, and I dont use the only lanes there are. I feel very lucky after reading this thread


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
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I was riding my aunts cob and a motor bike came speeding up behind, narrow lane, i saw a car was coming ahead, waved for bike to slow down and stop, he didnt. tried to overtake me, saw the car, and swerved into me. luckily horse leapt forwrad and the bike just hit his back end. cuts and scrapes and a horse terrified of bikes and things coming up mtoo close behind, but could ahve been so much worse.
i was nervous at first but am ol now, just make sure i tell them very early and clearly to slow/stiop and get very angry if they dont.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2006
In a right mess
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Yes, riding along a country lane with daughter following on pony behind, car appraoched fast from the rear, slammed on breaks and sailed just past her rear into the ditch and upside down. Scared my 10yo daughter hlaf to death, she now hates riding on the roads and insists I am beside here all the time. At least the pony was good though, never even flinched!


Well-Known Member
7 January 2006
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havent been in an accident but me and mum were hacking out and a car came round this corner at a rediculous speed (we wherent in the middle of the road or anything, infact we had tucked in a bit as it is a nasty corner) and it had to slam on the breaks and stopped literally touching my horses chest! was a very lucky escape!


Well-Known Member
30 September 2006
Wiltshire / Dorset borders
Five years ago i was hacking a livery from a yard i used to work at. He was a gentle soul, had his own character but that's what i liked. My colleague and i went for a hack in the local woods, had a great time, lots of cantering, lovely warm sunshine...
....All was soon to end, coming to the end of the briblepath (to where it meets the main road (it's a fairly busy B road) the horse took mfright to some hikers with big scary rucksacks. he span round, reared up, climbed the banks and all the rest, then suddendly flew past them and bolted onto the road. we were hit by people carrier, the horse hit nthe bonnet and shettered his fetlockm i was thrown over the car and hit the deck several yards down the road, with no hat as my chin strap snapped and the thing flew off before impact! the horse was put down at the scene, i was air lifted to hospital where i spent a month with my leg in a splint (although i hadn't broken it, i had ripped a huge chunk out of it and needed three operations) i badly damaged my back, and am still having problems with it now, and have a very ugly scar on said leg. i cracked a collar bone and broke several ribs, along with a finger and a thumb.
i lost five out of eight pints of blood that day so am very lucky to be here, if there'd been more than one car, or a lorry, i dread to think!

the other horse, luckily, didn't follow and was fine but had to be ridden home by a local race horse trainer as my colleague was very shaken up.

i still hack out on the same roads now, mainly because i have to use them if i want to go anywhere. i hack in the same woods but now rarely alone. i think it did change my view about riding on roads but at the end of the day, i wont have my horses seeing the same four walls and schooling everyday, he needs his time out and so do I!


Well-Known Member
15 July 2003
London and Hertfordshire
I am very sorry to hear about these accidents.

I am a volunteer Bridleway Officer for the British Horse Society and we are doing everything possible to improve the Rights of Way Network for horse riders and carridge drivers. At present we are negotiating that all cycletracks can be used by horse riders. However, we do need the support of horse riders and carridge drivers and this is best done by them joining the British Horse Society as the more members we have the more we can demonstrate that we represent the horse riders of the country.