Hi everyone. I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and have an 18 month old yearling. I am on DIY livery. I sometimes worry how I am going to cope once the little one is here, like poo picking the field, mucking out, training etc and also the costs of having a baby, a yearling, and soon will be moving out and having our own home. I'm currently working but will be giving up soon so will just be my partners wages plus whatever benefits im entitled to. I know I will end up finding a way I just wanted some reassurance and to know how other people cope. What do you pay out a month for your horse and home and baby and how do you manage basically. Any advice would be much appreciated. I did consider should I sell my yearling but seems unfair as I love him and I want to be able to have my own hobby aswell as a family. I do also have people who can help me but I know not everyone does.