"Health & Safety" - your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
5 August 2003
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Hi All,

I'm seeking your help.

I'm soon going to give a talk about health & safety issues affecting the horse industry (there's no money involved - I'm doing it as a volunteer in my spare time!!!).

It will really help me if you can give me your thoughts on:

1. When you hear or see the words "health & safety" what is the first word (or words) that pops up in your mind?


2. What's the biggest health & safety issue that affects you? (and/or what do you think is the biggest health & safety issue that the industry faces?)

Hope I'm not asking too much(?)!

Many thanks for your help,



Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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Having put on Riding Club shows, I know all are subjecto to risk assessments. Not sure if that is what you mean. Things to be considered are:

Safe fencing around arenas
Spectator safety i.e. pedestrian or horse lanes
Dog control notices
First aid points and access to the ground for medics
Condition of the ground
Condition of the jumps
Properly designed courses
Possible excape of horse
Fire procedures
Electric cables/overhead and under ground
Generators away from flammable materials
LPG used by tradestands
etc etc

Not sure if that is what you mean


Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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Oh and if it wasnt what you mean - the first thing that pops into my head is riding on the road. Increase in traffic, increase in roads making it a much more dangerous place to be.


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25 March 2006
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first thought that pops into my mind is " oh god not more restrictions!"

so much of health and safety is common sense but then you look around and realise that so many people are lacking in this commodity so H&S regs are a necessary evil.

Unfortunately because of the litigious society we are living in H&S is a big issue. I just wish people would realise that they are taking part in a dangerous sport and should look after their own safety issues rather than sue at the drop of a hat.

the biggest issue to me is that because of litigation we are all responsible for each other and must ensure other peoples safety as well as our own and woe betide anyone that doesn't.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
1. Oh shite, not them again!

2. H & S never take into account, we are human (well mostly!) and horses are animals that have a mind of their own too. Accidents are bound to happen, it doesn't mean people are negligent on purpose.
One of my biggest issues with them is they have done a pretty good job of limiting things that normal children can and should be allowed to do at riding schools or similar, much to the detriment of both parties which is so unfair. Back in the mists of time I can remember going to the stables from when I was nine to help out and I learnt so much, I was like a sponge soaking up about how to handle and behave around ponies right from the start which sadly, children nowadays are missing out on. The kids would still do it happily but H & S won't let them!

Also as a hunt supporter club secretary, we have to do risk assessments for anything we hold. They're no big deal as it's usually things any safety minded person would be thinking about anyway. For instance, we are one of the only fun rides around here to insist on names, addresses and contact details for all entrants (some just take their money and let them go which frightens me to death!) and each one is issued with a numbered card on which are 3 emergency numbers, including the local vets so that someone can be with them within minutes. It might take a little longer for them to enter at the start but at least we can reunite horse and rider with their transport/ connections and so on if an accident happens.


Well-Known Member
5 August 2003
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Hi Sparklet,

Many thanks all good stuff!

Oh my - I hope I haven't confused everyone!

I suppose I was looking for a simple answer to Q1 - when words "health and safety" mentioned - first thoughts - some might say "bureaucratic" or "boring" - Whoops - I don't want to put words in people's mouths which is why I was asking what flashed into folks minds - I suppose what I'm asking is how do people percieve the subject?

On Q2. - biggest issue? - It might be understanding what to do in general - i.e how to comply with the law or difficulty with risk assesments or potentially even being made to wear a hat by the insurers!!!

I've left it open 'cos I'd hate to second guess!



the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
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1. risk assessment and litigation

2. varies on whether it is to do with my horses or organising a show, but primarily is based around reducing risk in each case. this biggest challenge is getting people to accept that they are participating in a high risk sport


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
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Q1 - Gaaaaaaargh!!

Q2 - The biggest risks in the equine/equestrian sector are probably to do with the unpredictability of horses. It is wise to be aware of risks and take precautions, such as wearing a hat and gloves when lungeing, or leading a youngster. However, I do feel that the precautions taken should be up to the individual, although I would like to see legislation making the wearing of hard hats compulsory for youngsters, if it doesn't exist already.


Well-Known Member
2 September 2005
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I have a lot to do with H and S at work and the first thing that comes to mind when I think of it is that its generally a pointless paperwork exercise. My industry is notorious for accidents and some areas have been improved by the introduction of the H&S policies, however now it has gone to the extreme and is IMO making things less safe due to workload and procedures. For me, the biggest issue is the removal of the ability to think for oneself - in the "old days" we all risk assessed without realising it, we used experience and judgement to decide what precuations to take, now many people are coming through the systems and cannot think for themselves. If there isn't a procedure to follow they are lost, and on the occasions that the procedure has to go out of the window all hell breaks loose because people aren't used to doing thinking outside of the box (horrid phrase I know but can't think of a better one!).
IMO risk assessment should considered before attempting any task but will always be personal and subjective, and is about minimising the severity and/ or the potential for the risk, NOT about using it as a reason not to do a job. Some jobs just are risky!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
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OMG!! seriously!! thats just stupid!!!

When I hear health and safetly I just think of what are they going to stop people being able to do next!!
Riding is an extreme sport (yes apparently it is very dangersous) and so people should treat it as such and not just something to 'do'!!

Going to stop typing now before i rant as this is a MAJOR bug bear of mine!